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Amelia's pov:
I open my eyes to a very shiny light, I was on the beach?
-What the hell?- I said- Waht am I doing here? What is this place?!
-You know the answers to all that questions- a man said behind me, I turned to face him
-Dad?!- I ran towards him and hugged him- Why are you here? Where are we?
-So much questions huh?- I turned and see Derek- Hi Amy- he said smiling
-Omg Derek!!!!- I also hugged him- Am I dead? - I said getting scared
-No you're not...yet. You have to fight Amy, It's not your time yet, you have a lot of people who love you
-Yeah, that's true mommy- a little boy said approaching me holding hands with a tall guy
-Ryan?! Christopher?!- I said almost crying and hugging the little boy- look at you, you're such a handsome boy, I wish I could do more for you baby
-I'm fine mommy, we don't feel pain and dad, uncle Derek and grandpa always make me laugh and play with me
-There's people who loves you, pluss you have a son- Ryan said and I turned to face Derek and my dad
-You didn't get to meet him
-But we do- my dad said- he's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen
-Of course he is, his name is Derek- my bother said laughing
-He's just like you, he has your smile and your eyes- Ryan said
-You have to fight mommy, listen to that girl, she really loves you
-What girl?- I asked my son
-uhh, a pediatric surgeon filled with rainbows and unicorns and a magic smile- Derek said referring to Zona
-She has been all this time with you, she cares about you, listen! She's talking to you now- suddenly I hear Zona's voice telling me she have surgery but she will be back... Then she said she loves me...
-She's hot- Ryan saud laughing- you two should be together
-But... What about Link...? - I asked confused
- You love him? Does he makes you happy?- Ryan asked- Amelia you deserve to be happy and we all noticed how happy you're around her
-But i don't know how to go back
-You don't know or you don't want?- Derek asked- Amy it's been a week now, go be a freaking superheroe and tell that girl how much you love her
-My little girl- my dad said hugging me- I'm so proud of you! You have to fight and then choose whatever makes you happy, we will be here waiting for you- they all hugged me  tightly

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