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Arizona's pov:
Amelia left and I was still hugging Luke when Sofia and Scout walked into the room
-You're supposed to be at school- I said softly
-Momma said no school for today- Scout answered
-Everything okay?- Sofia asked and both sat next to us
-I'll explain later- I whispered, suddenly someone knocked at the door- I'll go, stay with your brother, I run downstairs and it was Winston
-Winston? What are you doing here?- I said confused
-Amelia called, she told me about Luke and though I can talk to him
-That would be great- I smiled and we headed to Luke's room- guys come with me, uncle Winston wants to talk with Luke
They followed me downstairs and we sat at the couch
-I guess you know- I whispered and they nodded
-I can't believe this! Can't people understand love is love?- Sofia said and I just started crying
-Hey momma- Scout said hugging me- we're going to be fine
-I know... But I hate that my son had to go through this, he's just five! - Sofia joined and we all sat there

Winston's pov:
Amelia called me like twenty minutes ago and told me everything, she though it'd be good if I talk to Luke
-Hey buddie- I said sitting on his bed
-Hello uncle Winston- he said softly, his eyes red and puffy
-Wanna talk about it?- I asked and he nodded
-There's this guy who makes fun of me for having two moms- he whispered
-That's rude but you know what?
-I think he's jealous- I said smiling and he had a confused look- you know your moms are so special, they read you a book every night and play with you and help you choosing your outfit- he smiled- and the most important... They love you
-Yes...- he said still insecure
-You know there sre different types of family and some kids had a dad but their dads left them and didn't love them but your moms? Your mons adore you!
-and I love them but I'd love to have a dad so we can play football- he said softly
-You have your brother and who says your moms can't play football? And if you want to talk to someone about men stuff you can call me whenever you want
-Thank you uncle!
-Now go and change
I eft the room snd walked downstairs, Amelia just arrived

Amelia's pov:
I arrived and Winston was walking downstairs
-How did it go?- I asked worried
-It went well- he smiled- If you need something else don't doubt to call me
-Thank you- I said and sat on the couch next to Sofia
-What did you do?- Zona said with puffy eyes
-Don't worry, that won't happen again
Then Luke came downstairs
-Mommies!- he yelled giggling- I love you
-We love you too- I whispered and we all hugged as a family

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