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Amelia's pov:
We're traveling to LA to see Jake, he's an fertility specialist, also my friend. We're taking this opportunity as a family vacation. 
We arrived to the hotel and left our stuff then headed to the practice
-Momma why are we here? Are you sick?- Sofi said while we walked into the elevator
-No sweetie- I looked at Zona and she nodded- would you like to have a brother or sister?- I asked afraid of their reaction
-Yes!!! So I can play with them- Scout said excited and Zona and I laughed
-What about you Sof?- Zona asked the little brunette
-Are you going to have another baby?
-It's not guaranteed but yes- Zona nodded
-I'd love thag but will you still love me?
-Of course princess- she hugged Sofi and then Scout- we'll always love you
We arrived to the floor and everyone was on the meeting room
-Surprise!- I yelled walking into the room
-Amelia?!- Addie came and hugged me, the same with Zona
-Look who came back home?- Charlotte said and hugged me- is everything okay?
-Yes, we're here because- I took Zona's hand- we want to have a baby- everyone cheer and then we left to talk with Jake while Scout and Sofia were with Charlotte and Addie
-So you want a baby- Jake said smiling, we both nodded in agreement- who would carry the baby?
-That would be me- Zona said softly- but first... Like 12 years ago I had a miscarriage and I'm afraid that would happen again
-It's possible yeah but with the correct care you can have a baby without any problem- Zona nodded and she seems more relax
-Also, we want to use my egg- Jake nodded and looked through his computer
-You can choose the donator and we can do the procedure in three days- we noth smile and nodded, we were about to leave
-Amelia- Jake said and I turned to face him- I'm so proud of you- I hugged him
-Thank you- I whispered and we both left the room to meet with the others
-So why don't we go to my place and have dinner?- Addie said and everyone nodded
-I'll be there in an hour, I have to pick up my kids before them and their dad go wild- we laughed and headed to Addie's house
-Henry come meet your cousins- Jake called his son, minutes later Henry came running
-Wow when did you grow up? I left when you were just a baby- I hugged him- this is my wife Arizona and my kids Sofia and Scout
-Nice to meet you guys, auntie Amelia how did you get such a pretty wife?- she laughed and Addie hit him playfully, minutes later Char, Cooper and the kids arrived
-Hey Sofia, meet Char's daughters- they were like the same age- this are Georgia, Caroline and Rachel- they got along fast and went for a walk while Mason looked for them, he's so big now and about to go to the university
An hour later we all sit to get dinner, I was so happy to be here with my family, I missed them so much and I love how Zona get along with all of them
-I wanna say something- I said standing up getting everyone's attention- I'm so happy to be here with you guys, you're my family and I love you all
-Aunt Amelia we know you love us, we're adorable- Mason laughed, he's just like his dad
-Well then I need us to have this reunions at least five times per year and if someone misses I swear I'm going to find you and kick your asses- everyone laughed and then we enjoyed the rest of the night, god I love this people

Who else miss private practice family? I'd love to see a reunion :')

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