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Amelia's pov:
I was fixing my make up when suddenly a girl stood behind me, i looked it the mirror it was Zona, she was so close that I could feel her breathing on my neck which made me nervous, having her this close made me remember about that night...
-What...aare you doing?
-Do I make you feel this nervous?- she said leaving kisses on my neck
-You're drunk, you don't even know what you're doing- I said trying to pull her away but she pressed her body against mine and started to kiss more
-Don't leave marks- I said
-Don't you want your stupid boyfriend to see I give you more pleasure that him?- she said sucking even more on my skin, at this point I'm sure I have very visible marks... This is wrong but at the same time it feels so good
-Zona please... don't do this...
-Don't do what? Fuck you so hard you can't even walk?- she said with a sexy voice running her hand around my body until she put it inside my jeans
-Aa..aa Zona this is wrong- and I pulled away- I really want to do this... But I'm with Link and you're too drunk, I'm sorry- and then left, I tried to cover my neck with my jacket and then went back with Link
-Hey, everything fine?- he asked
-Yeah! But can we go home?
-Sure...I have something to tell you
We were driving home, he suddenly took my hand and talked
-So... I was thinking why don't we adopt a baby?
-I was thinking and you're afraid that if we have a baby they might be sick so why don't we adopt a healthy baby?- god this can't be happening to me
- When I said I didn't want another baby I was talking seriously
-But...- I couldn't hear anymore cause everything turned black....

Teddy's pov:
We were still in the bar just dancing when Link called Owen
-WHAT?!- I didn't understand what was happening but Owen was shocked
-Owen what's happening?- Arizona asked
-Where are you?!- Owen kept talking on the phone - Link I'm calling an ambulance and We'll wait for you at the hospital
-OWEN WHAT HAPPENED WITH LINK AND AMELIA?!- Arizona yelled, she was drunk but I could noticed she was worried
-They had a accident, Amelia is unconscious... We have to go!- fortunately Owen, Webber and Bailey didn't drink so they were able to operate
- I want to go with you- Arizona said , I didn't understand why she was acting like that
-Arizona let me take you home, tomorrow you can see Amelia
-No! I need to see her, what if she dies?- she started to cry so I hugged her
-Teddy...- Owen started
-I've got this- I said and they left
-Hey...why don't we go to the hospital and stay there until you feel better and at the same time we can wait for Amelia, okay?
- Okay...- she said sobbing
We headed to the hospital and wait into an on-call room but Arizona didn't stop crying...

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