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Amelia's pov:
-Hey babe wake up- Zona said but I want to sleep more, I'm so tired because of the sex we had last night
-Let me sleep 5 minutes more- I said complaining
-I would love to do that but Scout is hungry and I can't breastfeed him- she said smirking so I wake up and took Scout from her arms then peck her lips
-You're tired from last night, don't you?-she said laughing
-Shut up- I hit her arm playfully, she woke up but I grabbed her by the hand- where are you going?
-To make breakfast, duh- she said rolling her eyes jokingly
-No, it's too early come and cuddle with me, Scout is already sleeping- I said making puppy eyes
-Okay then- we put Scout in his crip and cuddled
-So, I was thinking...and I wanna make it official- I said while Zona stroke my hair
-Make what official?- she asked confused
-Us...our engagement- I said turning my face  to her
-I'd love that!- she pecked my lips- but are you sure? I don want to pressure you
-I'm sure, I want everyone to know I'm marrying the most beautiful woman in the world- I said and kissed her again
-Same with me- she giggled- I love you
-I love you too... So what do you think about tonight?- we both don't have to work today
-Yeah we can have a dinner and invite our friends
We spent all the afternoon calling our friends and also preparing everything for tonight, I was so excited!
First Mer, Maggie and Winston arrived
-Hi guys! Can I help?- Mer asked
-No we have everything ready thank you Mer- I said smiling
Then Owen, Teddy, Jo, Richard, Bailey and Ben arrived, so we all had dinner while talking about work and some patients in special, at the end we all went to the living room

Arizona's pov:
We decided to share the news so I stood up getting the attention of everyone in the room
-So guys, there's something we want to tell you- I said taking Amelia's hand- we're getting married- I said and showed our rings
Everyone started to cheer and congratulate us
-That's excellent news!- Mer said then hugged Amelia- I'm so proud of you!
-Thank you- Amy said with tears in her eyes, Then Teddy came and hugged me
-I'm so happy for you Arizona!- she said pulling apart- you two look so happy.
-Thank you Teddy- I said smiling
We spent the rest of the night talking about plans for our marriage ceremony until everyone left, we agreed Ben would do the ceremony...
Tonight Sofía and Scout are staying with us
-So...what do you think about our engagement?- I asked Sofía while Amy had Scout in her arms
-I love it! Melia is going to be my mom...like officially and also I'm going to have a brother!- she said jumping up and down
-I love that idea so much!- Amy said smiling- you're going to help us on the wedding right?
-YES! I'm going to wear a beautiful dress and me and Scout can get the rings!- she said excited
-Oh you all have so many plans- I said laughing
-I'm glad you're happy- Amy said- I'm sure Scout and you would look so beautiful! I can't wait
-Me either- Sofía smiled and then we all went to bed

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