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Amelia's pov:
I found Zona kissing Callie... Did last night meant nothing to her? I'm an idiot! It's obvious she's still in love with Callie, they have a daughter together. I know I have no right to feel jealous, I'm not even her girlfriend or something but I think I have feelings for her...
I was in my office thinking about it until I got a message, it was from Zona
                             Zona ❤️
-Hey cutie...
Can we talk?
Hey Amelia, please 🥺
I know you're reading this
Please Amy...

I just ignored her messages and started doing some paper work until my sift was over, I left the hospital as fast as I could and headed to Mer's house
-Hey can I stay here for today?- Scout is with Link today so it was just me
-Amelia! Of course you can, this is your house too- she said smiling - do you wanna tell what happened?
-Can i just lay down next to you?
-Sure, whatever you need
Then Maggie came into the room
-Hey Amelia! You're back!- she was excited
-She doesn't wanna talk so let just lay in bed while watch a movie?- Mer asked so we agreed, some minutes later my phone started ringing, Zona was calling but I just dropped the call
-Who was it? - Maggie asked seeing my reaction
-Oh... no one, a unknown number
-Okay then- she said and paid attention to the movie again but then my phone started ringing again, this time were messages
                             Zona ❤️
-Hey Amy please can we talk?
I miss you :(
I don't want to lose you
Please Amy...
Can you come home?

-Go to your date Arizona, I'm no going to your house- I replied while Mer and Maggie looked at me weirdly

- I lied I don't have a date... Is just... Can we talk please?

-I don't wanna talk with you, go and talk to Callie :)

I turned off my phone and throw it to the floor, hopefully It didn't break
-Okay, what's going on?- Mer asked
- Nothing just a stupid intern didn't check on my post-op
-Amelia, tou can tell us anything, you know?- Maggie said rubbing my arm
-I met someone and... We slept together...
-You what?!- Mer asked shocked
-I know, I know, it was one night and next day I found that person kissing someone else...
-But did you have feelings for him?- Maggie asked, she was using the wrong pronoun cause it's a "her", Arizona Robbins...
-I...I don't know... I just feel safe around that person...
-But what about Link?- Mer asked still in shock
- I don't know, he's great but you know we broke up... Maybe I should talk to him, he's the father of my kid anyway
-You have to do whatever you feel is fine- Maggie answered smiling
-Thank you guys - I said and then went to my room and sleep

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