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Arizona's pov:
We arrived to the dance floor and I extended my hand to Amy
-Could you make me the honor?- I asked referring to dance
-Of course wifey- she smiled and took my hand we danced "till forever falls apart" since it was our favorite song, I enjoyed every second of it, I'm so happy around her and I'm so happy that we got married
When we finished the first dance everyone joined the dance floor and the party started
-Zona I want you to meet my friends- Amy said taking my hand- well they're like family so..
-I'd love to meet them- I smiled and pecked her lips
-Hi guys, so this is my wife- Amy said smiling- Arizona, they're my friends from LA, you already know Addie but This is Charlotte, her husband Cooper, Jake and Sheldon- she said their names while pointing to them
-well nice to meet you guys- I smiled- I heard you are like Amy's family so why don't we hang out someday
-I'd love that!!- Amy said hugging
-We were right about you- Charlotte said and I was confused
-What do you mean?
-I didn't mean to scare you, we were right about how much you love each other- she said smiling
-We've never seen Amelia as happy as she's with you- Sheldon said
-Oh well, she makes happy too, like I've never been as happy as I'm with her and I'm grateful you convinced her to come back
-Well sometimes she needs some... Help- Cooper said giggling
-Okay let's go dance!!- Amy said taking my hand and going to the dance floor
After some hours almost everyone left
-Ready?- Amy said smirking
-Oww what does my wife have on mind?- I asked playing with her hair
-It's a surprise...- she carried me
-Amy- I giggled- you're crazy!!!
-I'm crazy for you babe- She laughed and then we arrived to a house in front of the beach
-Close your eyes- Amy said and I obeyed- ok now you can open them- So i did and we were in a room fulled with candles and rose petals
-Omg Amy this is beautiful!!
-The best for my wife- she pecked my lips- are you ready for the best night of your life- she smirk starting to take off my dress
-Yess- I giggled taking off her dress while she pushed me on the bed
Sorry I didn't update but I was not in the mood to write and also I didn't have a song on mind so at the end I used one of my favorites hope you like it!

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