Earth's Demise

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    I tapped my finger on the desk in the laboratory. It was my turn to watch the monitors around the city for the afternoon, but I was doubtful of any activity. It had been weeks since anything had happened.

    "Okay, okay." Lisa cleared her throat. "Students of Reefside," She began, spotting from the corner of my eye that she was no longer starring intently at the paper in her hands, as she had been for hours until a few minutes ago. "This year has been a crazy one, a year that none of us will ever forget. But this was just the start, and we all know that life will get crazier, life will throw more twists and turns at us. What can we do to create a brighter future? Engineering? Military? Police Force? Or maybe even the next Power Rangers. Whatever we choose, we have to live life to the fullest, and make it a better future for the people after us, and after them too. So, my fellow Graduates of Reefside, let us go forth and make our world brighter, and be heroes of our generation!"

    Lisa looked forward confidently, and everyone did a cute little clap for her.

    "That was perfect!" Andre reached out and took her face in his hands, giving her repeated pecks on the cheek as she smiled and giggled, unable to shake him off.

    "No wonder you're the Valedictorian." Alex sighed dreamily.

    She had a point. Lisa was always so determined, strong, and incredibly intelligent. Not to mention all the extracurricular activities she would take part in. I wouldn't be surprised if she became the President one day with how amazing she was. She had come such a long way since the day we had become Rangers. Then again, so had everybody else.

    "As much as I'm excited to get out of high school, I'm worried they are gonna cancel Prom." Nathan shrugged from his seat. Alex looked at him like she might argue, but then she nodded in agreement reluctantly. Prom was huge for us, it was one of the few recreational events the school had during the school year, and most of the other events had been canceled due to the monster attacks.

    "They almost canceled it again yesterday, but Principal Randall has been fighting the rest of the school board on it." I said. "She knows how important this is to us."

    "Mmhmm." Alex agreed. "And I already bought my dress. Dang thing was expensive, too!"

    Daniel, who had been silent for awhile in the corner, stood up from the wall with a huff. "How can you guys think about Prom when Melhorn is still out there?"

    Daniel, who had finally got off of bed rest, had been itching for a fight, or to at least put a stop to Melhorn and his antics. Personally, I had been happy not to have fought them for awhile. I couldn't get Mason out of my head, and how defeating Melhorn probably meant killing Mason.

    Alex shrugged. "We think about these things because if we thought about our mission every second of every day, none of us would want to keep fighting."

    Daniel seemed almost stunned by that revelation when Lisa chimed in. "We have to remember why we're fighting, don't we?"

    The room fell into silence. I don't think any of us knew what to say now, considering none of us had talked about Melhorn for awhile. We couldn't, because the fight was starting to wear on us. Talking about our duties felt like a weight growing heavier every moment. We had to find something to give us hope.

    Daniel sighed. "Sorry. I'm still new at this whole thing. I didn't mean to bring everybody down."

    Everybody gave him a sympathetic smile, and Andre chuckled. "Trust me, dude. We all wanted to kick evil butt when we first started too."

    Turning my attention back to the computer, I looked at the security cams again before sighing. "You guys don't have to stay with me, I'll call you if anything pops up."

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