The Shimmer - Part 3

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    "Cam, you're sure this is it? Right ahead?" Shane asked the dark haired boy wearing green and adjusting his black glasses, staring down at a laptop. We were on our way to the Quarry, a place we negotiated on with Melhorn to keep civilians out of harms way. He was very quick to agree, meaning he had something big planned. We just didn't know how big.

    "I'm sure. It's multiple energy fields and... oh." He looked around. "Billy, can you confirm?"

    Billy walked up from the middle of our large group, peering over Cam's shoulder. "Shit..."

    "Billy, what is it?" Jason asked.

    "Either this sensor is off the frits... or we are screwed. A thousand, maybe more, energy signals are ahead of us. Melhorn came prepared."

    "Don't forget. We did, too." Jen cut in. "Let's get in there, and prepare to fight."

    We reached the edge of the Quarry and worked to help each other down, the rocks sliding roughly beneath our feet. I saw from the corner of my eye that Taylor and Eric had made a race of it.

    Once everyone was down, we hurried deeper into the quarry. We led the attack alongside the remaining Mighty Morphin Rangers, and it was like walking next to legends. But I thought my heart was going to stop once we had reached the middle, turning to find our foes... so many foes.

    "Well, Rangers. I'm so glad you could make it." Melhorn cackled.

    I was starting to wish we had all ran instead. While the video call was going on before, every Ranger was struggling against their restraints, trying to get away. Now, none of them looked like they had the strength to.

    Troops, mixed with Tyrannodrones and a few others that I couldn't identify, were holding up our half dead friends and mentors. Dr. O was still fighting, held up by what looked like a group of gray clad creatures, and would get shocked for his efforts.

    "Tommy!" I heard Katherine scream as his head fell limply. He was breathing, but barely.

    Trent was covered in cuts and bruises, bleeding from his lip, and my heart shattered for him as he looked at me. He had one eye that he couldn't open. Every part of me was beating myself up for not listening to him earlier, for not letting him apologize, for not apologizing myself. I would get him back, Melhorn could be sure of that.

    "Trakeena!" Leo roared. "How have you returned?"

    He was staring down a creature, that looked like a bug-human hybrid. She was beautiful, yet deadly. I could feel her revenge seeping from her teeth.

    "I can answer that for you, little red." Melhorn cooed. "Trakeena, Thrax, Mesogog, Master Org, Psycho Pink and Red, Lothor, and Flurious were all samples just meer hours ago. Samples collected over years and years. Mesogog had collected many before his untimely destruction, and upon my escape I continued the work. Now I have returned with them thanks to the Geno-Randomizer. And with them came their ability to create their own troops. Thus... MY ARMY!" He cackled.

    Beside him, creatures and villains of all sizes laughed with him. A giant man with a large horn and a white fur coat tapped his staff, licking his teeth creepily. Master Org.

    Another man dressed in black, completed with a long pony tail and a luchador mask, cackled happily. That was Lothor.

    An identical pair of evil looking Rangers were standing together, cackling over what looked like Wes. They must be the Psychos.

    Another one, silent and brooding, looked like if Rita and Zedd had a kid. Oh yeah, they did. This must be Thrax.

    The last man looked like he was frozen, barely able to move. Flurious.

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