Nathan's Redemption - Part 1

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    Christmas had come and gone. I had spent most of it with either Drago or the other rangers, but I had yet to try and reconcile with Trent. I barely ever saw him, and the only contact I truly had was whenever he called us into battle. I preferred to keep it that way.

    Nathan had called us over to his place for a New Year's celebration, which we all happily accepted. He said this year was all about being a Power Ranger, and that he wanted to make the next year even better.

    "Okay, okay." Lisa giggled. "Your turn, Alex!"

    Alex tipped her head back as we each piled marshmallows on her forehead. We had made it to fifteen before Nathan jokingly pushed her, and they all came tumbling down. She responded by repeatedly smashing a pillow against his face.

    "Uncle, uncle!" He cried out, trying to block his face, and we had to tear Alex away as she viciously struck him over and over again with a pillow.

    I couldn't remember any year before this one where I had this much fun.

    We went back to our marshmallow roasting in the fire place. Andre just couldn't seem to get it right. Every marshmallow he stuck on his poker melted off. This boy was about to starve.

    I broke off from the group after a while, the stuffy fireplace making me want a taste of fresh-air. I pushed one the balcony doors in Nathan's room and stepped out, pressing my arms against the railing. It was chilly, but not too bad. I pulled my jacket tighter around myself and closed my eyes, letting the peace run over me.

    "Everything good out here?" Nathan's rough voice woke me from my meditation.

    I turned my head and smiled. "Yeah, yeah. I'm alright. Just enjoying the peace and cold. Getting a little warm in there for me."

    "Yeah, I know what you mean." He shrugged. "Figuratively and liberally."

    I nodded. "It's been weird having friends again." I turned my attention to the sky, the stars twinkling brightly.

    "Yeah, for me too." He shrugged. "I think it's strange how you and I have become such close friends so quickly."

    I laughed. "God has quite the sense of humor with that."

    Nathan strolled up next to me and leaned against the railing. "You can say that again."

    "Do you think that when this is over, we'll still all be friends?" I asked.

    "I'd like to think so. We've all got a bond that very few friend groups share, ya know?"

    We looked behind us at the same time, watching as Lisa and Alex took turns smearing a melted marshmallow all over Andre's face. Once they finished, he reached toward Lisa looking for a big, wet, marshmallowy kiss. She ran and he tried to chase her down, failing as he tripped over everything in sight.

    "We're definitely unique. Not to mention we're all fighting a war of sorts together." I looked back at Nathan. "Nothing can break a bond like that."

    He smiled. "Yeah, you're probably right."

    The silence washed over us again as we stared at the sky.

    "So, what's your resolution this year?" Nathan asked.

    "Growth." I looked at him.

    "What, like you're height? Cause you are pretty cute and sho-" A punch to the gut shut him up pretty quick.

    "Call me cute and short again, see what happens."

    He groaned and nodded. "Got it. My bad." He cleared his throat. "But yeah, I know what you mean. You've already grown so much, though. What more do you need?"

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