How to Say Goodbye

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Everything was cold, like it usually was when I was in this place. I'd lost track of the days my mind had been stuck behind these invisible walls, with nothing but what seemed like a small screen at the far end, letting me see into the outside world. I was stuck inside my own mind, forced here by Melhorn. I had no control over what I could do, and the silence was starting to kill me.

"Mason?" A voice said; Melhorn.

I looked around. "What do you want?" I asked, my patience with this horrific creature growing thin. It was the first time he had spoken to me directly since I was pushed here.

He tapped our hand on the desk in front of us. "The time has finally come." Melhorn said quietly.

I knew what he meant. He had been planning and building for weeks, even before I had briefly taken back control.

"Why are you telling me?" I asked, uncrossing my legs.

Melhorn sighed. "I'm going to give you 24 hours. 24 hours of complete control of our body, no matter what you plan to do. It's time to say goodbye and make amends, wherever you need to. Do you understand?"

I pushed myself to my feet. "Seriously? Complete control? Aren't you afraid I'll spill your final plan to the Rangers?"

"Oh, I'd bet money on you telling them what you knew. But here's the thing; it won't matter. I'll still win. You should focus on finding Amber. You should say goodbye to her while you still can."

"Amber?" I echoed. I never got to say goodbye to her. He's right, that's what I should do.

I clenched and released my fists. "You're right."

"24 hours, Mason. Use it wisely."

I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, I was in control of my body. I could see the desk in front of me, clenching my hands. I could feel my face shifting back to normal. I was me again.

I stood up and fiddled with the invisiportal button, slamming it down once I found the location I was going to.

"Hand on, Amber. I'm coming."


1761 21st Avenue, Reefside, California. The house where Amber lived before we moved into our apartment. I stood in front of it for a long moment. I'd been missing for years, five to be exact. I'm showing up in a suit, healthy and unharmed. Would she be angry? Or happy to see me? Would she slap me, or hug me? I just wanted to touch her face. Hold her in my arms again. And I was about to.

I took a few steps forward and rapped my knuckles on the door. My heart was racing, and after a few moments, the door opened up. An older woman with blonde hair appeared, and at first, she didn't seem to recognize me. Then suddenly, shock ran across her face.

"M-Mason?" She gasped.

"Hi, Mrs. Moon." I said back. It wasn't Amber, but her mother. They both had a radiant beauty about them that I couldn't place.

She reached out and pulled me in shakily, crying into my chest. Mrs. Moon had been a second mother to me, so seeing her was also as if I was seeing my own mother for the first time in five years.

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