A New Shade of Black - Epilogue

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    Melhorn slammed his fist on the computer deck, cursing the Power Rangers under his breath.

    "I had them in my grasp! It was all a matter of calculations, and I blew it."

    He tapped away at his computer, when a sensor suddenly beeped. He turned his head curiously to investigate it. Suddenly, his vicious snarl turned into a wicked grin.

    "The Fortress must have absorbed some of their Dinogem energy... I know just how to use this."

    He tapped away at his computer. "Activating the Geno-Randomizer..."

    He turned, watching as a creature was formed in the tube close to him. The doors opened, and a monster unlike anything he had ever seen before stomped out. It was dark red, with three heads and large teeth peering out from its mouth. It was drooling like a vicious animal.

    "Perfect..." Melhorn laughed. "Creature, what is your name?"

    It growled heavily. "Carcharo."

    "Well, Carcharo. Welcome to my army. My first General."

    The creature snarled and laughed along with Melhorn. The Power Rangers' enemy had grown even stronger.

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