The Energy

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    I felt my back being pressed to something cold, and cold metal was wrapped around my wrists. I was still in too much pain to move or open my eyes, so I gave in to the sensations that were traveling across my skin.

    I felt like ages had passed before I tried to open my eyes again.

    "She's waking up." I heard Lisa say, but I felt like I was underwater, listening to the sounds above me.

    "Aubrey, can you hear me?" I heard Ethan next, and the sounds were starting to become clearer.

    I blinked as my vision started to open up and I nodded.

    "Good. The fall must not have caused too much damage to her."

    "Would you like me to start hooking up the computer?" Lisa spoke again, and the echo of her voice made it sound like she was a little farther away, probably next to the computer.

    "Yes. We have to get this energy under control."

    I felt Lisa attach sticky pads to my skin. Energy? No, I wanted to take care of it myself. Mustering all of my strength, I groaned and gritted my teeth. "Randall... promised...!" I gasped between the words I could spit out. I had to escape.

    Putting the last bit of my energy into the gem, I concentrated. I could short-circuit the computer if I gave it enough energy.

    That's when I heard a surge of electricity. Lisa let out a startled gasp. "She's fighting it, Mr. James. The computer is short-circuiting!"

    With that, the computer seemed to burst and the restraints holding my body down unlatched from their lock. A new wave of energy passed through me as Ethan and Lisa tried to fix the computer. A pair of hands grabbed my wrists and tried to pull me back. I twisted around, finding my attacker to be Coach. I flipped him around, slamming him onto his back.

    Finally realizing where I was in the lab, I made a break for the stairs, dodging an attempt of a tackle by Andre. I made it to the first step before realizing there was someone blocking my path. Looking up, I saw it was Trent. I wanted to push past him, but all I could think about was that sprain. That stupid sprain that was ultimately my fault. The one person I couldn't hurt was him, and I instantly regretted seeing him down here.

    "Aubrey, turn around and let us help you." He said gently. Andre and Coach stood behind me, but Trent gave them a look which I interpreted meant for them to keep their hands off of me.

    "You promised you'd let me do this on my own, Trent. I'm so close to figuring this out, just let me go!" I hated this feeling. I hate crying, I hate confrontation but I had no choice but to push.

    "No... No, I'm sick of this, Aubrey. How long has this been going on, huh? Almost two months? Once your gem has completely changed," he grabbed my wrist, squeezing it as he pointed at my morpher. "who knows if we will ever be able to get you back."

    I pulled my hand away, gritting my teeth and glaring him down. Being as extremely proud as I am, I didn't want his or anybody else's help with this.

    "If you don't let me leave, I will never forgive you. Whatever we are, friends, together, acquaintances, we are done."

    I thought for a second that would be enough to convince him to back off, but he only shook his head. "So be it. Conner, Andre."

    I was grabbed and pulled away again, struggling with every bit of energy I had left. "You'll regret this, all of you!" I screamed, kicking and jerking my arms. The best I could do was get a good punch across Andre's face, which only made him hold me tighter.

    Restrained to the cold table again, I felt the last of my strength had drained from my body. Falling from the Tyrannozord left me absolutely miserable everywhere, and I finally felt like I had nothing left to fight with. I couldn't even use my Dino-energy.

    Lisa attached sticky pads to my skin again, making me itchy and uncomfortable. Ethan put a hand on my arm, and I felt my body relax a little. He's the only one I didn't feel like tearing apart at that moment. He truly cared and wasn't worried about having to fight me, just cared about making me okay again. Making me... me.

    He looked at me, it felt like he was looking for something in my eyes. He looked up, I was guessing at Lisa, then back down on me. "This will hurt, but please don't give up on me. I will do everything in my power to get you back to normal."

    I gave him a nod, and he moved his hand away. "Okay, Lisa. Whenever you're ready."

    "Yes, sir. I'm sorry, Aubrey." She said quietly and I heard a click.

    It was a familiar feeling, the energy of my gem being drained out of my body. This time it was worse though, it felt like something was ripping me apart from the inside like the dark energy was digging its claws into me to prevent it from being pulled away. I screamed, every moment was agonizing, and I wanted to break free. My body was jerking, but Ethan kept that hand on my arm. It was the only thing that kept me conscious and sane.

    The pain began to ebb, and I suddenly felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn't want anybody to see me this distraught.

    Just like before, I could feel the Dino-energy return to my body. It made my muscles sore and my heart pound, but at least the pain was gone. Finally, it stopped. Everything stopped. The electrical noises, the energy, my heart. Everything fell silent. I wanted to pass out, but I forced myself to stay awake.

    That's when I saw them. Andre and Lisa, and every bit of hatred I had felt for them just moments before was gone. Every fight, every threat, it felt like a bad dream.

    "Aubrey?" Andre said quietly.

    I felt the tears roll again as the restraints unlocked. "Andre, Lisa..." I sniffed.

    They wrapped their arms around me, helping me sit up as they hugged me. I nuzzled my face in Lisa's neck as I hugged them back weakly. I sobbed into them, feeling every bit of regret hit me like a punch to the gut. I hurt my best friends, I couldn't control myself. But I was back, I was me again. I would spend my entire life making it up to them.

    I felt two more pairs of arms wrap around me, and I knew without seeing that it was Coach and Ethan.

    They finally let me go after squeezing me for what felt like ages, and I was finally face-to-face with Trent again. For some reason though, I couldn't smile for him as I did for the others. I still felt anger towards him, he had betrayed me. He had a grin on his face, and he took a step forward towards me. He couldn't sense my anger, but when he reached for me I slapped his hand away. I hadn't even realized it until it happened.

    Before he could open his mouth, I glared him down. "Just because I'm back to normal doesn't mean I've forgotten how you betrayed my trust."

    He looked devastated, but how could he possibly think that I'd forgive him over breaking a promise? He didn't argue though, just nodded and took a step back as Lisa and Andre helped me to my feet.

    As I got my bearings to stand on my own, Coach seemed to be fixated with something on my arm. He gently grabbed my wrist and brought it close to his face, examining my Dinogem. His eyes got wide, and I instantly knew that the good news had finally come to an end.

    "Ethan, you should take a look at this." He said quietly.

    Ethan walked over quickly and carefully grabbed my wrist. "Aubrey, it's your gem. It's... it's cracked."

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