Sometimes it is Black and White: Part 2

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    Word traveled fast of Anna's heroism, a few students asking her questions as we sat through our 7th and 8th-period classes. She sat with our group, trying to cut off as many students as she could from sitting down and asking her annoying questions the whole period.

    As we were packing up before the bell rang, the emergency intercom sounded. I instantly caught Andre's eye across the room.

    "Monsters are on the attack in downtown Reefside." Principal Randall's voice rang around the room. "Remain calm as your teachers evacuate you to your safe rooms."

    Andre looked at me and then Lisa who was sat on the left side of Anna. "That isn't good."

    Alex looked at me. "What's going on?"

    "A common occurrence in Reefside. You'll learn about it in the student rule book. Lisa, Aubrey?"

    I nodded. "Anna, Alex, follow the teacher. We'll come get you after they start early dismissal."

    "Aubrey." Anna grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?"

    "Don't worry, we're part of the... security team, yeah. We help make sure classes get to their appropriate locations. You'll be safe, I promise. We have to go."

    Anna swallowed and nodded. "Okay. Be careful."

    As soon as we knew the teacher was distracted, the three of us bolted. It wasn't long before we spotted Nathan running toward us down the hallway.

    "Aubrey, take my car and get back to the lab." He tossed me his keys. "You know what to do."

    "Always. You three be careful."

    They nodded and stood to face me. Nathan looked at them both. "You guys ready?"

    "Ready." They chimed back.

    "Dino Fury, Go!" They called out, and their bodies were surrounded by their armor.

    "Good luck, Rangers," I called out and took off towards the parking lot as quickly as I could, making it out the double doors just as the nearest classroom door opened, a flood of scared students flooding out toward their evacuation spot.

    I slipped into the front seat and stuck the keys in the ignition. The engine turned over and I sped out of the parking lot.


    "Aubrey, we need the zords!" Nathan called into his morpher.

    "Way ahead of you. They're on their way!"

    This monster wasn't anything special. Once the Rangers had their zords, it took almost no time for them to defeat the weird bird monster.

    "Way to go, Rangers," I called into my communicator. "Head back to the-" I was cut off by the emergency signal. "Oh no, what now?"

    I flipped through the city cameras. A giant fish was attacking the business district.

    "Aubrey, what's going on?"

    "You guys aren't done yet. Head uptown, we've got another ugly problem."

    "We're on it."

    Once again, Pterarang pulled it out of commission almost immediately. I once again started to call them back when something else popped up. A bug monster. Next, it was a tree, then it was another bird. Every single one of them was weak, but I could see the toll it was having. I understand how it was dragging Nathan down since he was still so new, but Andre and Lisa were trained and experienced Rangers and they were struggling to keep going.

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