A New Shade of Black - Part 1

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    "You're sure this is where you saw it?" I asked Drago as we flew over the city, specifically over the Reefside Museum on the outside of town.

    "If I saw correctly, the Invisiportal is right down there, right outside of the forest." He turned his head to look at me as he flapped his wings. "I'm going to say this again. This is not a good idea, Aubrey!"

    "I don't have any other choice. They'll all think the same thing Trent did if I don't give them a real reason to trust me. If I get into trouble, I'll call them. Okay?"

    Drago shook his head stubbornly. "Okay... just be careful. I know they're your friends, but you are no use to them if you're dead."

    I thought I would cry, at least for a moment last night, but no. I didn't shed a single tear. I was too angry. Angry at Trent for holding a grudge, angry at Melhorn for corrupting my Dinogem in the first place. All I wanted now was revenge. And dear lord, if it was the last thing I ever did, then so be it. At least I would die knowing that Melhorn regretted ever crawling out of the remnants of Mesogog's Island Fortress.

    "We're flying in now. Get ready to jump." Drago said. "And be careful! I'm not ready to be stuck in a cave with Steggy for another five years."

    The Invisiportal was in sight. I slid off Drago's back, clicking my mortal as I fell. "WHITE RANGER, DINO POWER, HA!"

    The world around me changed as I hit the portal. It was no longer a barely morning sky surrounded by trees and a gorgeous looking museum. No, this was all too familiar.

    I was in a dark hallway, lined with strange creatures blocked behind glass walls. The patterns on the floors were just as strange, almost like it was from an alien planet. What weird and messed up things was Mesogog experimenting with to make this creep?

    I pulled out my Dragosword and held it tight as I carefully walked through the halls. Everything was way too quiet for someone holding hostages.

    Ask and you shall recieve. The minute the thought crossed my mind, I was greeted by a gaggle of Tyrannodrones.

    "Ah, you must be the welcoming party! Don't worry, I brought some games for us to play!"

    The charged in, groaning and snarling. One slashed at me lazily, letting me block it easily. I sent it flying back with a kick to the chest. Two more ran in, throwing kicks. I blocked their kicks and slashed my sword across their chests. They were down instantly.

    "I don't like this game. How about we play Pin the Tail on the dumb Reptile?" I created my laser arrows and shot them quickly, leaving behind a pile of Tyrannodrones in their path.

    "Well, that was fast." I tiptoed over their twitching bodies and hurried down the hallway again. I couldn't be too far from the lab now.

    This time, the trek was dead silent. Not even the groaning of the Tyrannodrones remained.

    The hallway opened up, bringing back a flurry of nightmares from many months ago. This was the Lab, the place I couldn't get out of my head. It was dark, full of high powered technology we could only dream of having in our own base of operations. And there, where I could remember having my arms pulled from my body, was Alex. Her head lulled like she was unconscious, and I made my move to unhook her.

    "Alex, wake up! I'm going to get you out of here." I hit a chain with my sword, causing it to break instantly. I did it to the other arm and broke open the foot restraints. Once she was free, she fell limply onto my arms.

    She groaned as her eyes fluttered open. "Where am I...?" She choked out.

    "Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here. Where's Anna?" I asked.

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