Late night visitor (Part 2)

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When I woke up the next morning and went into the living room, I half expected that Roman was no longer there and that I would be spared the conversation. But I was not so lucky. There he lay. Still sound asleep and the blanket tangled around his legs. His hair had partly come out of his bun and was now sticking out wildly in all directions.

Quietly I went into the kitchen and made us coffee. The entire time I was thinking about if Roman would remember what he had said to me last night. It would be much easier if he couldn't remember exactly.

When the coffee was ready, I filled two mugs and carried them back to the living room. I placed his mug in front of him on the table and then sat down cross-legged at the other end of the sofa. I slowly inhaled the pleasant aroma of the coffee as I held the mug firmly between my hands.

It didn't take long for the scent to work its way to Roman and gently pull him out of his sleep. He began to stir and stretched. Then he suddenly became aware of his surroundings. His head spun towards me and immediately a big, warm smile spread across his face.

I really wished he wouldn't look at me like that. Whenever he did, the deeply buried feelings were immediately back to the surface. That's what made it so damn hard to resist him when he wanted something. I wasn't sure if he was aware of what he was triggering in me, but actually I would prefer it if he wasn't.

"Good morning." Roman murmured in his deep voice. His voice was even deeper and rougher than usual in the morning.

"Morning. I made you a coffee." I replied, pointing to the mug that was on the table in front of him.

"Thanks. My head is killing me." he mumbled.

"Yeah, I can imagine that. You were pretty drunk." I said, watching him enjoy the first sips of his coffee.

"Yeah, sorry about that! I know I shouldn't have just shown up here like that, but that doesn't mean I didn't mean what I said." he replied, looking at me intently.

"What do you mean?" I dodged him.

"I really want you to come to our wedding, Y/N. For me you have always been a part of the family and that means I want you there. What do you say?" spoke Roman.

Internally I was cursing, because my hope that maybe he didn't remember was gone.

"I really don't know if that's a good idea, Ro! Have you even talked to your future wife about it?" I wanted to know. Maybe he hadn't and I could get out of it that way.

"I have, and she doesn't mind. And also my mother insisted that we invite you. You know how much she likes you." he explained to me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. With a big sigh, I exhaled and looked at him.

"All right. I will come to your wedding. But only because I really care about you and I don't want you to get in trouble with your mother on your wedding day," I replied.

"Thanks, Muffin! I should probably get going now. I'll see you at the wedding. I'll be the incredibly handsome man standing at the altar. Don't be late." spoke Roman as he slowly rose from the sofa.

Following that, he came over to me and wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug. Then he gave me a kiss on my hair and left a moment later.

What the fuck had I gotten myself into? All I could think about now was that if things got too bad, I could just leave at any time. I wanted to see Roman happy and that was worth it to me to put myself in this situation.

(Full story > Something more < on my profile)

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