Ordinary day

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"All right. I'll call you again tomorrow, okay?" I said to my mom as I pulled into the driveway of our house.

"All right sweetie. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you. Bye!" she replied over the speaker phone.

"Love you too. Bye." I spoke and hung up. I got out of the car and grabbed the clothes I had just picked up from the dry cleaners from the back seat and then headed for the front door.

Careful as not to drop anything, I opened the door. Then I hung the clothing bags on the coat rack.

"Where the hell have you been for so long? And why don't you answer the phone?" Roman greeted me with a growl.

"Well, hello to you too. I was at the dry cleaners and talked to my mother on the phone. What's the problem?" I replied, trying not to respond to his tone.

"The problem is that I can't find my damn gym bag!" he grumbled with his hands on his hips.

"Your bag is in the laundry room. But of course you didn't look there. I'm not even sure you know that room exists," I replied.

"Oh you are so funny. What's my bag doing there?" he wanted to know. This time he was a little calmer.

"I took out your clothes and washed them, of course," I said.

"You what? You can't just go through my stuff, Y/N!" he replied agitated.

"Excuse me? I wasn't going through your stuff! I simply took out your dirty, sweaty gym clothes. And may I remind you that I've asked you like 10 times to throw them in the wash!" I shot back.

"I would have done it eventually. That still doesn't give you the right to go through my stuff. And while we're at it, your constant complaining is so annoying. You're always nagging me about some nonsense. It's like living with my mother," Roman said.

"Oh you know what? If you're going to act like a spoiled little brat, it's no surprise that I'm going to act like your mother. Now if you'll excuse me, I need some fresh air. I'm sure you can handle dinner and cleaning on your own. But if not, call your mother!" I yelled in his face before turning around and grabbing my bag. I stormed out of the house and made sure to slam the door loudly behind me.

I jumped in the car and drove to the place I always went to when I wanted to have peace and quiet or when I needed to cool down.

As I sat cross-legged in the sand and looked out to the ocean, all the worry and anger I felt inside me dissolved. I listened to the crashing of the waves and the sound of the wind and the seagulls. It was such a peaceful place. Nothing bad had a place here.

It wasn't long before I heard footsteps in the sand moving toward me. I did not even have to turn around, because I knew the steps. There was only one person in this world who walked like that.

"What do you want, Roman?" I asked quietly, still not turning around.

"How... How did you know it was me?" he wanted to know in amazement.

"You have very distinct footsteps. I would recognize them anywhere. So, what do you want and how did you know where I was?" I asked again.

"Well, one, I'm here to apologize and two, you always come to the beach when you're mad or sad about something." he explained to me as he sat down next to me in the sand.

"Y/N, I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier. I was just worried that you might have found something specific when you took my stuff out of the gym bag. I just panicked. And just to be clear, I wasn't serious when I compared you to my mother. Even though it's not the worst thing to be compared to her and you really have a lot in common. You are both caring, loving and often worried. And I love you both," Roman continued.

"Okay, but what do you have in your bag that would be so bad if I found it? Are you keeping secrets from me?" I asked worriedly, now turning my gaze in his direction.

"I was afraid you would find this." he replied, placing a small red velvet box on my knee.

I gasped and stared at the small box in shock. Then my gaze went back and forth between it and Roman. I tried to comprehend what was going on, but my brain had simply stopped working.

"I thought it mattered how and where I did it. I thought it was important what I say, but only one thing is important. And that's you, Y/N! You are everything I need and more. I love you and I can't imagine sharing my life with anyone but you. You are my biggest support and I am yours. I know I can be a pain in the ass at times, but I promise to try harder to be better. Especially when it comes to my dirty, stinky gym clothes.

You are my family, Y/N. A part of me. My better half. You have been from the first moment I met you and it will never change. I love you more than anything in this crazy world, so I'm just asking you here and now. Y/N L/N, will you make me happier than I already am and become my wife?" spoke Roman, looking deep into my eyes. I got lost in his gaze and almost forgot to answer. Only when his face took on a worried expression did I snap back into the present.

"Yes, Roman. I want to marry you!" I replied and threw my hands around his neck. I quickly pressed my lips to his full lips. Afterwards I buried my face in the crook of his neck and sighed with relief.

It was truly amazing how quickly an ordinary day could turn into one of the most beautiful days of our lives.

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