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I hummed to a random song that played on the radio while I did the dishes and wiped down the counter tops. I don't know how I managed to get flour all over the kitchen while baking, but somehow it ended up everywhere. It's always the same. I can't be trusted to keep anything clean. I had just finished when the timer beeped, letting me know that the second batch of cookies was ready to come out of the oven.

I had just put the cookies on a cooling rack when someone covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" This sexy deep voice asked me.

"Hmm... Batman? Oh, no wait, it's Superman," I replied with a giggle. Roman took his hands off my eyes and turned me around to face him.

"Hey Baby Girl. Hmm... It smells heavenly in here. Chocolate chip cookies?" he asked after he kissed me on the forehead.

"No, a new recipe. Chocolate chip toffee cookies for girls' night tomorrow. How was your workout?" I said as I turned back to top the cookies with flaky salt.

"That sounds delicious," Roman said as he reached for a cookie. I slapped his hand.

"Hey, hands off! They're still hot," I scolded him.

"Okay, fine. Keep your fucking cookies." he snapped and left the kitchen.

"Are you serious? I just didn't want you to burn your fingers. I just got them out of the oven and they're still burning hot." I yelled after him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," that's all I heard before the bathroom door closed and the shower was turned on.

What a sudden change of mood. All this over a cookie? Over cookies that he usually avoided anyway, because of his strict diet? I'm sure that wasn't really the reason for Roman's bad mood. When he finished showering, I had to talk to him about it and find out what was really going on.

I decided to finish cleaning the kitchen first and then check on Roman. My grumpy teddy bear. I took a plate from the cupboard and put some, now cooled down, cookies on it and made my way to the bedroom. Roman was lying on the bed. He was just wearing sweatpants and had his arms folded behind his head. He must have heard me, but didn't show any reaction and just kept staring at the ceiling.

I put the plate with the cookies on his bedside table and climbed into bed with him. Cross-legged, I sat down next to him, but still didn't get any reaction.

"Do you want to tell me what's really bothering you or should I believe you're throwing a fit over cookies?" I asked quietly. He sighed deeply and rubbed his hands over his face.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. I had a bad day at the gym. Well, actually, this whole week sucked. Both flights were delayed, then they took forever to find my luggage. Then there was a problem with the rental car. At work, the creative team completely threw aside their plans for the next six months and today at the gym the treadmill broke down," Roman explained.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" I asked him.

"I don't know why. I guess I didn't want to bother you. You were so stressed yourself this week from your work. I didn't want to add my shit to it," said Roman and sounded exhausted.

"Hey we're a team, remember? I'm always here for you, whether I'm stressed or not. I want to be there for you, that's my job. And please remember that you never annoy me. Except when you leave the toilet seat open," I replied softly, adding the last part to make him laugh. It worked, Roman had to laugh, but I could tell he was worn out.

"You're right. I promise I'll talk to you more about this stuff. But I' m not making any promises about the toilet seat," he said, still laughing. Then he started to yawn.

"Come here, love, take a nap while I rub your back. I know how much it relaxes you." I pulled Roman towards me so he could put his head on my chest. He made himself comfortable and made a relaxed sigh. I slowly began to run my fingers along his back and the back of his neck. The whole thing had a totally relaxing effect on me too.

"You better hope I don't fall asleep, too. Then I won't be able to sleep all night and you'll have to entertain me," I warned him.

"Then I'll have to entertain you all night long, huh? I think I can handle that." I heard the smirk in his voice.

"I'm sure you can. Like that's bad, huh?" I answered with a yawn.

"Just sleep, baby. When we wake up, there'll be something to eat, first the cookies and then you."

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