Life changing moment (Part 3)

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For a month now, Roman and I have been going from specialist to specialist. I was subjected to countless tests and examinations. Always with the same result. Everyone was convinced that they could not help me. It was frustrating.

Within these four weeks my condition has rapidly worsened. Due to the growth of the tumor, my vision was slightly reduced and I always saw blotches. My head now permanently felt like it was going to explode at any moment. Even without the side effects of chemotherapy, I was constantly tired, had no appetite and was always dizzy. My concentration also began to suffer. Whenever I tried to read something, I had to read the same sentence five times. And as if all this wasn't bad enough, everything fell out of my hands.

I was ready to give up and surrender to my destiny once again, but Roman would not let me. He was convinced that we would find the right doctor. He had faith. On top of that, he was stubborn as hell and did not accept my no as an answer.

That was the reason why we were currently on our way to Switzerland. Apparently there was a particularly good neurosurgeon there. But I wasn't impressed because secretly they all thought they were the best. Each of the six doctors we've seen recently claimed to be the best in their field and in the end they couldn't help me.

After discussing it for hours, I gave in and agreed to go to this last doctor. If he thought there was no hope for me, that would be it. The end of the road. Because even if Roman wouldn't accept it, we were running out of time and we were running out of options.

I didn't mention it to Roman or the doctors, but deep down I felt that I didn't have as much time left as everyone thought.

We arrived in the early morning in a super fancy private clinic in Switzerland and I was again subjected to countless tests, scans and other examinations. When we sat down with the doctor to discuss the results, he had a message that caught me completely unprepared.

"Now Miss L/N, after looking at all the results of our tests and those of my colleagues, I believe I can remove your tumor." I thought I heard that wrong.

"But it is more than just risky. There are dozens of things that can go wrong during this surgery, but the tumor seems to be well isolated even if it is located in a place in your brain that is very difficult to access. Nevertheless, I would be willing to take the risk if you are willing to take it. And Miss L/N, I really don't want to sound insensitive, but this is probably your only chance, because otherwise you will die anyway," said the doctor and although it may sound a bit rough, he was right.

I looked over at Roman and he had an expression of hope on his face. He squeezed my hand that he had been holding the whole time. It was like he was telling me that I had to make the decision. I briefly closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Okay, doctor. Tell me how you're going to get this thing out," I said to the doctor.

"Without going into too much detail, we will have to open a large part of your skull and carefully push your brain aside with dull tools to get to the tumor. Then when we get there, which will be the more difficult part, we will try to cut out the whole tumor and separate it from the blood supply. Of course, this is all much more complicated than it may sound at the moment, but I will try to explain it as simply as possible. If we succeed in removing the tumor, the area where it was located will be rinsed with a chemo solution to kill all remaining cancer cells" he continued.

"As I said in the beginning, there are infinitely many things that can go wrong. Among others the loss of senses, speech or motor skills. And of course you could also die during the surgery. Again this is not only your best chance, I'm afraid this is your only chance," the doctor said.

I thought about it for a few minutes while I was looking at Roman the whole time. He radiated so much trust, faith and hope. Finally I decided that I wanted to risk it. Maybe there was a miracle for me after all.

The operation was scheduled to take place the very next morning. Now Roman and I only had a few minutes to say goodbye to each other. We both tried to be strong, but without success.

"You have to promise me that you're okay if anything goes wrong. I love you. Remember that. I'm so incredibly grateful for this last month. I can't explain to you how much you mean to me." At this point I was already a crying mess.

"You're going to make it Y/N. You can survive this. You will get your miracle. I love you so much and I am not ready to give up. I know what you're capable of, baby. I'll see you when you wake up," he said and gave me a long passionate kiss before he had to leave the room so I could be prepared for the surgery.

I tried to keep my thoughts positive before the anesthesia and all I had to do was think about Roman. The next 18 hours, if everything went according to plan, would certainly be the longest of his life.

My last thought before the anesthesia began to work was how much I loved this man.

One year later

Roman POV

Today it was again the time. It was WrestleMania. I had asked for a little time in the program to address the WWE universe. It was about halfway through the show when it was finally my turn. They were playing my music and I went down to the ring. I got in and had a microphone given to me.

"Once again, a big welcome to WrestleMania guys. I hope you had a wonderful evening so far and I promise you that there are a lot of surprises waiting for you. Speaking of surprises. I have a little something for you." That was the cue the tech guys were waiting for. A music began to play that people hadn't heard for a while, but it didn't take them a second to figure out who it belonged to.

There she was. Beautiful as always. My personal miracle.

The audience went completely crazy. No one had seen or heard of Y/N in over a year. Today they should know what the reason was.


It was a fantastic feeling to feel the energy of the WWE universe. I never thought that I would ever experience that again. I went into the ring and hugged Roman as hard as I could. He gave me a quick kiss on the top of my head and handed me the microphone.

"Hey guys, long time no see! The last time you saw me was when I told you I had to end my career. But I never explained to you why I had to do that back then. I will do that today. That week last year, I learned that I suffered from an inoperable brain tumor." The audience was gasping audibly for breath.

"They told me that my chances of recovery were 5% and gave me a maximum of four months to live. And I will be honest with you, I had already given up. But a very special someone, a very stubborn someone, convinced me to fight. And I did. After many unsuccessful attempts to find a doctor who could help me, we finally found a doctor who was convinced that he could remove my tumor. And as you can see... he was right. He did it. I am healthy. With luck I might even live to be 100 years old. And I owe it all to him, my wonderful husband." I reached out for Roman and pulled him to me and gave him a kiss.

If I thought the crowd had been loud before, then I was wrong. Because in this moment they practically exploded. It was probably a good thing that we were in a football stadium, because in a normal arena the roof would have been blown off.

"I know what you are going to think now. When can you get back in the ring? Now as much as I would like to. Unfortunately I won't be able to do that for a while," I said and the crowd sounded immediately disappointed.

"Please don't be sad, guys. Because there is a very special reason for it. Roman and I... are having a baby," I told them with tears in my eyes. Roman took me firmly in his arms again and neither of us could hold back the tears.

After I received my diagnosis, I thought my life was over. I had no idea that it was really just beginning.

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