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Eomer POV
It has been 4 months since Willow was attacked, and winter had taken a hard turn with snow falling throughout Edoras. Eowyn and Faramir stayed for a few days after to make sure Faramir was well enough to travel and I didn't hear from them until I received a letter from them not long after announcing their wedding. Willow excepted the offer to go with me along with Mindy and Nathalia to the wedding. Since Eowyn left, Willow became more confident in herself and spent a lot more time enjoying herself around me instead of dodging the eyes on her. She had thick white scars on her body from Eden but wore them with pride. Everybody in Rohan knew her name and everybody in Edoras wanted to befriend her. I think they saw her as a leader even if she wasn't a queen. 
When we left for Gondor for the wedding she rode her mare confidently and smiling at me. 
"Are you looking forward to going home?" I asked her. She frowned.
"No. Rohan is my homeland now." I smiled as she stroked the mane of her mare. 

Mindy and Nathalia were in awe of Minas Tirith when we rode up the hill that I remember riding down after the war.  Willow was the same, taking in the change of the city. Buildings were fixed and banners hung around the walls with the White Tree and the Rohirrim horse on them. 
I noticed Willow staring at some woods like she did when we left months earlier. It must have been where she gathered supplies with Will. 

When we entered the gates we were flocked by excited Gondorians trying to steal a glance at our faces. Eowyn said that Rohan was still regarded as heroes for fighting with them in the war but their points and stares at Willow said otherwise.  We walked up the streets of the city still on our horses. Mindy and Nathalia were starting wildly around pointing wide-eyed at everything they saw. Willow however was still, she sat solid as a rock as if listening to the whispers from the people said about her. I knew mobs could get rowdy and violent and I was praying it didn't get worse. Just as I prayed, a rotten apple was lobbed at her head but was blocked by a shield from one of the guards.  Juice splattered on the shield just as an egg was flung high into the air. This did not get blocked and it hit Willow on the shoulder, exploding in bits of shell and a pungent odor. I looked around in horror to see who had done it but now everyone was chanting and yelling and holding rotten fruit. We were suddenly rained upon in a storm of eggs and fruits and I swear I saw a rock. I led us into a canter but we were chased. I passed the place where I had first met Willow I turned around to her. She was riding but barely. Hot tears were running down her pretty face and she dodged the reminders of her mistakes. Mindy and Nathalia rode protectively around her but Nathalia had a nasty gash on her forehead. We were nearing the top of the city now and soon we could get Aragorn to punish every single one of them. Firefoot tripped messily and I realized he had been hurt. 
"Come on!" I muttered to the stallion who trotted lamely up to the king's courtyard. Guards stood defensively in front but let us in after the authority of another. We were now protected from the mob but it didn't stop us from hearing the angry screams. I felt as if someone had punched me in the stomach. I was a king, I was a soldier, I was going to the home of my sister, I tried to save those people. Yet they had defeated me. The doors to the throne room opened and Aragorn and his wife strode out horror etched on their faces. When he saw my face though he smiled widely. 
"My friend!" He said happily embracing me. I smiled. 
"My Lord," I said over his shoulder. Arwen bowed to me and I kissed her hand. Her eyes were transfixed on Willow, however. 
"You are the reason they are rioting," Arwen said to Willow in her silky voice. Where tears were seconds ago, Willow's eyes were stony cold again. 
"Yes, my lady." She said emotionlessly. 
"Do you deserve it?" The elf asked. I opened my mouth to tell her it was a cruel question but I remembered not to.
"Yes, my lady," Willow replied.
"That's not true," Arwen informed her. 
"You have saved countless lives, you have been savagely attacked and you have the courage to return here. Why?"
"Because my king asks it of me," Willow replied automatically. 
"Because you are a kind person." Willow raised an eyebrow in question but said nothing. Arwen turned away from her and addressed all of us.  
"The wedding will take place tonight. Go to your rooms for now and rest, you must be weary after your travel. We will see to crowds and your wounds." She nodded to Nathalia who seemed oblivious to the blood clotting on her head. "Eomer, your horse will be attended to in the stables." I thanked her and handed Firefoot's reigns to a stable boy. The king dismissed us as servants came to take us to our rooms. Aragorn then beckoned to me. 
"The days are not as grave as they were my friend."
"No. But being king is not as easy as it seems." I replied and he laughed. 
"On a more serious note, we need to talk. About Willow."

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