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Eomer POV.
I couldn't believe myself. I had fallen in love with a criminal. Willow was a rebellious, cold and hardened woman with a spirit that left me captivated. She reminded me of a wind, soft and gentle but wild and aggressive at the same time. She loved being a herbalist it was clear in the way she described it that she was a person who liked to help people. Still though, I was yet to decide if she regretted her choices at the night of the coronation.  That morning I had shown her a tiny house at the edge of the city. It was old and unkept as it hadn't been lived in for many years. From her reaction though, I thought Willow was happy with it, so I was too. I also went to a spinster to request some clothes but there was high demand of clothes so I took a few dresses out of Eowyns room. They were of extremely high quality compared to rest of the village and to think that she didn't even buy them! I hoped she would like them. I knocked on the wooden door smelling the wood fire smoke puffing out of the recently lit chimney. Willow smiled lightly as she opened the door and I handed her a pile of the dresses. 
"Oh, my did you buy all these?"
"I'm sorry to say I didn't. These are some of Eowyns." Willow's eyes narrowed. 
"Will she mind?" She asked
"Probably won't even notice them." I replied knowing that Eowyn would.
"Well thank you then. For everything. I know I don't deserve this." She said distantly.
"You don't deserve to suffer either." I told her kindly. She took my kindness suspiciously like she owed me something in return. There was an awkward silence before I said,
"I better keep moving, crops to be sewn today." 
"Am I expected to help?" She asked curiously.
"If you want a share of the grain." I answered. 
"I do then." She said walking outside confidently before pausing. "Where are the fields?"

Sewing season was always are hard type of year. With so many men dead there was less help then usual which made the process harder. Willow had a grain bag slung over one shoulder and a another empty one slung over the other. Occasionally she would stop throwing out seed to pick grasses or leaves before the horses turned around dragging the plough over the earth. She would take each find, examine it closely and then put it in her bag or eat it. It was a peculiar sight. No one else in the field had seen anything like it. Harriet, a widowed women with a bad temper stormed up to me. 
"My Lord, She's a witch! She's trying to make poison." Harriet announced to me. 
"Willow is merely gathering edibles to sustain herself." I answered calmly. Harriet stormed off angrily as people looked in me with confusion. It wasn't often that they agreed with Harriet but they didn't like Willow one bit. They saw her gatherings as sinister and poisonous and hardly worth my attention. Eden who was leading one of the three plough horses in the feild stopped for a rest and someone else took over. Eden walked  straight over to me. I gulped. As a king I had to produce an heir to the throne and before that I had to marry. Before I was even born everyone expected me to marry Eden. She was a friend and nothing more but she didn't seem to except the title very well. She was forever going out of her way to catch my attention desperately. 

I tightened the girth on the saddle as I prepared to mount on FireFoot. The air was full of sorrow and excitement as men jumped on there horses and kissed there wives goodbye. 
"TO MINAS TIRTH!" Yelled the king  false hope ringing in his voice. 
"Eomer wait!" Yelled a women's voice.  Eden was running at me desperately. She clung to my leg and kissed it. 
"Please! Come home to me! I beg you." She wept. I didn't know if I was disgusted or honored she was this attached to me. 
"I have to go Eden." I said. 
"Promise me. Promise me you will return back to me."
"I'll try Eden. I promise."

"Hello Eomer." She said warmly but I could detect the iciness in her voice. In the corner of my eye from a many yards away I swore I saw Willow's eye brow raise. I smiled. 
"Eden. I returned!" I said forcing my voice to be happy. I was, I was just confused.
"Yes. I see that." She any warmth now gone. "I want to talk to you." I nodded. 
"Go ahead." I said nodding. 
"Not in the earshot of others." She said looking directly of Willow who was totally listening and not trying very hard to show it. 
"Indeed." I said. We walked out of the feilds and began to walk around the country side. 
"I want to discuss marriage."

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