Faramir's Lament

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Willow's POV
"Fine." I mouthed. "I will go." It was the truth in the words he praised me with. I also wanted to annoy Eowyn. I figured I would be under a bit more protection if I was her brother's date. To clarify though, I DID NOT WANT TO KILL HER. She made me mad, yes but my days of grief-related anger were over. I watched as she gawked at the tapestry of me. Finally, Faramir turned around to look for me. I smiled at him and I remembered his face next to Wills. 
"I underestimated you Willow." He said to me walking over.  "I didn't expect you to become the next shieldmaiden of Rohan." Eowyn's nostrils flared. 
"I didn't really do anything. It was self-defense nothing more. I mean I heard you took down the Dark Lord' Leutinate!" I said to Eowyn. She raised an eyebrow at me like she was wondering if I was trying to mock her. 
"Eomer, Lord Aragorn permitted her to be in such close contact with you," Eowyn said nastily.
"I know but she is under my laws now." Eomer replied
"Excuse me but may I have a word with you Willow?" Faramir interrupted.
"Yes, that's fine with me," I said loudly answering a question meant for Eomer than me. Faramir gave me a strange look led me into a spare room. He pinned me up against the wall and spoke really quickly. 
"Willow, I don't know what happened that night, but you will never try to hurt Eowyn again. I don't care what sort of special favors you're getting with him but you hurt Eowyn and I will not hesitate to kill you." He released his grip and sighed. "I'm sorry Willow but I meant it."
"I know. You want to protect her. I understand." I said calmly. There was silence until Faramir pulled out a package from a pocket. 
"I went to your house to get you some things." He said handing it to me. I took and unwrapped it carefully. What was inside made me gasp and choke on tears. Two wedding bands, a tiny wooden box, I note which I didn't read, a beautiful necklace which Will gave me on the night he proposed, and some ground herbs from home I couldn't get here.
I sobbed messily my body shaking. Faramir placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I miss him too. You are not the only one." I coughed as I tried to bring myself to talk.
"Thank you." I croaked. "I thought I'd never see them again."
" You've lost a lot Willow, you can't lose more." I tried to smile but couldn't. Instead, I wrapped my arms around him and sighed. 
"I'm sorry, for this mess," I told him.
"I know you are Willow. I believe you."

As a servant, it was my job to prepare rooms for the guests.  We prepared two rooms as they weren't married and I took great pride in making them beautiful. I was nearly finishing arranging the pillows when I heard footsteps at the door. 
"Eomer is very fond of you." Said Eowyn's silky voice.
"Yes, my lady. He has grown to like me."
"Why did you do what you did that night."
"I was angry, I wanted to die and drag as many people down with me. I knew at the time it was wrong but, I am truly sorry." I said.
"Faramir said you were close when you were children."
"Faramir is correct my lady. We were close, the three of us."
"The third?" She inquired.
"My husband," I said the ring on my finger heavy.
"The one who died?" 
"Yes," I said turning away to finish the bed. I turned back to leave the room. "Excuse me," I said. Eowyn did not move, instead, she handed me something. It was my knife.
"Take it, but do not use it on others or yourself." Was her words as she left gracefully. I held the knife feeling the woven hilt. Memories from that day flooded into my head I dropped the knife quickly leaving a clatter on the ground. 
"Willow?" Said Nathalia who had been doing Faramir's room. She looked at the knife and picked it up.
"It's cursed," I said.
"Nonsense." She told me.
"I'm going to get rid of it," I said. "It is the keeper of the past, and I am going to set it free." 
"You are very wise Willow, for reasons I don't understand."
"I don't understand them either." 
"We can't know everything. We must act on guesses and on beliefs."
"Do you think he would be happy to know I will dance with Eomer tonight?" I asked referring to Will.

"Willow, you will never stop loving him. You miss him every minute of every day but you know he wanted you to be happy. Even if you did break a promise, do you really think he would mind if you went on to live another life? You have done no wrong accepting his offer." She paused. "If the knife holds the bad fate then this," She looked at my hand and pointed to the ring. "This holds him"
"Thank you," I said. "I'm going to bury this knife." 
I walked out of the hall and ran to the house. I felt the note and wooden box in my pocket. I hadn't dared to open them but now I just wanted to be alone. I sat Will's ring on the table and labeled the jar placing it on my shelf. At last, I opened the note. It read in a neat loopy scroll,

Dear Willow,
 I hope I haven't harmed you anymore by sending you away. I could see the light in your eyes that day that burned for a chance for new life instead of death. If Faramir is correct about your spirit then I know someone like you could never suffer more. Instead, may the light of stars guide you. 

I realized that Arwen was the elf that gave me a second chance. She was the queen of Gondor! I was surprised that she even remembered me but they say elves have strange qualities about them. I held the letter for a long time until I put it down and opened the wooden box. A grey powder was in it. It was Will. I hadn't realized there were any remains left. I wanted to bring him to life, to let him in my house and have his arms around me. But it was all over. This was a close as I ever would get to him. And the feeling left me empty and hollow, and still above all lonely.

Queen of the RohirrimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora