Eden's Mistake

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Eomer's POV

"EDEN!" I yelled angrily at the door trying to shake it open. It had been barred shut so I ran around to a window and peered in. Eden saw me and her eyes widened with fear. She had locked herself in, but me and Eowyn out. 
"Eden. Please come out. We only want to ask you some questions!" Eowyn said calmly. 
"No, we don't! We want to rip her guts out." I snarled. I grabbed a stone and smashed the small window and the glass shattered out in pieces. 
"Get Away. I didn't do anything!" Eden wailed. 
"Then open up the fucking door!" I yelled.  
"Don't hurt me!" Eden yelled back. "You can't punish me until you have a charge against me!"
"Fine!" I replied walking to the door.  Eden removed the furniture and opened the door with a long creak. She peered out from the door timidly. 
"Did you or did you not harm Willow." 
"I have nothing against the whore." She spat. 
"We are past the time when we can believe you, Eden."  Eowyn snarled. 
"Then you are mistaken my lady." 
"Why did you bar your door then?" Eowyn said calmly. I was shaking with rage. 
"Because I knew you would accuse me of it!" She said angrily. "And I was right wasn't I! You come here to accuse me of something I had no part in." My breath hitched. 
"Part? Are you implying there was a bigger plot to this?" I said. Eden's eyes flashed with horror. 
"Fine! You're going to kill me anyway! So what if I did kill that bitch and her lover." Eowyn's eyebrows shot up. Eden noticed and smirked. 
"They were kissing when I found them. I knew you would both be better off without them. Besides, your right. I do have a grudge against Willow." She shrugged and tried to act casual but I could see the fear in her eyes. 
"I have no concern in why you attacked them! Only that you did!" I roared. Eden stood motionless her scowl etched deep in her face.
 "Go fuck yourself you pig." She said quietly. In a flash, Eowyn had run at and pinned her to the ground. 
"Enough! I hate you! How dare you try to take away what we now have that we have longed for so long." She yelled. 
"Eden, I will not kill you. I exile you out of Rohan, if you set foot in any of its borders you will be severely punished." I said. "If I were you, I would take the opportunity to start again. As Willow has done."
"If that's your idea of justice then I would rather die." Eden spat. 
"Get out! Now!" I commanded. Eden walked outside sullenly, her head low until she sprinted to the stables grabbing the first horse she saw and throwing herself on its back, and riding away out the gate. 
"What was the purpose of that," Eowyn said. 
"I can't bear to look at her face again. With or without of body." I answered.
"Justice." She muttered. 
We both looked over to Willow's house where Faramir and Willow lay covered in crimson blood. 
"I can't bear to see them like that." Eowyn said.
"We can't let them slip away," I told her. We walked back to the house watching the tiny figure ride away into the distance. 

We let ourselves into the house. Mindy and Nathalia sat with their head in their hands. 
"There is no more we can do. We have to let Valar decide what happens." Nathalia said softly. "Lord Faramir will live." 
"And Willow?" I asked dreading the response. 
"I know nothing that will help her." That was the reply.
"What about Lord Aragorn? Would he be able to help?" Eowyn suggested. 
"He's too far away. He will never get here on time." Mindy said flatly.
"Have you tried everything?" I asked.
"Yes, well, nearly," Nathalia said frowning. 
"What do you mean nearly?" I pressed. 
"The wounds are too deep. We can't clot them and even if we did, there is the risk of infection. We could try to burn the wounds shut but... we would risk the chance of infection again."
"So you're saying that there is one thing that might work!" I shouted.
"It might," Nathalia said. If only we had something that could draw out the infection, like a herb or a weed."
"Faramir gave some sort of herbs when he got here. Would they be any use?" Eowyn said suddenly. Mindy and Nathalia's heads shot up. 
"Where!" They jumped up and scanned Willow's shelves finding a jar labeled:
Sheild Ivy. Apply to deep wounds to lower the risk of infection.
I nearly jumped for joy. Fate was on our side. 
"Heat that knife over the fire.  Get the jar ready. When it's on the wound we have to be quick." Nathalia ordered. She looked at me. "Eomer, don't watch."

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