Harriet's Words

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Love you all <3

Willow POV
"Not in the earshot of others." Eden said coldly to Eomer. 
"Indeed." Said Eomer, his voice lacking emotion. I didn't bother to pretend I wasn't listening which Eden clearly noticed. They walked away slowly in silence and it was just me with all of the other people (Mostly Women) who were glaring at me. A particularly rude lady who had thin lips stormed up to me asking why I was here. I replied simply and slowly, 
"I am now a part of your country weather you accept it or not. I do believe I should help share the load of work." The lady scowled and walked off taking the girl who was leading the horse with her. I stopped throwing out the seed and looked over at a group of about 7 people doing nothing. I sighed and walked over to join them. 
"Get back to work!" Thin lips yelled. 
"I'm not your slave." I told her angrily. "Besides, I can't sew the seeds if the ground hasn't been plowed first."
"You dare talk to me like that you filthy criminal!" She spat as I balled my fists in anger. She noticed this and continued. "The only reason the king kept you is your a whore! But he's wrong! You don't deserve even that title." I shut my eyes and tried to block out the words but they pierced the air like hailstones hitting hard and sharp. "So, did your husband kick you out when he found out what a pathetic girl you are, or did you beg on the streets of Minas Tirith? Shame you didn't die."
"Harriet!" Said a young women with brown hair and brown eyes, in a shocked voice. I inhaled and exhaled before I spoke calmly. 
"It is a shame that I didn't die." I said softly looking intently into Harriet's eyes. "And so you know, I'm a virgin." I said storming away out of the ferociously. I knew I had stepped the line. Harriet spoke like she was superior to the other women so if she said anything to Eomer.... I blushed scarlet at the thought. I walked slowly thinking about everything I had said and felt to Eomer. Even when I married Will I was a girl. I was a girl right up to the day the arrow pierced his exposed flesh leaving him to bleed in the streets. That day took away my innocence and if I really was the kings slave.... The thought frightened me. I had to be prepared to run if I needed to. When I got into my house I piled a dress, and a knife on the worn table. I then snuck out to the market which was empty while everyone worked in the fields and stole some potatoes. I was still committing a crime I thought! I stole a hessian sack and ran back to house stuffing everything in the bag and hiding it away. I then sat down a the lonely half broken chair and put my head in my hands. It only then occurred to me, that I was afraid of Eomer.

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