A Choice

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Good Morning! (and by that I mean to wish you a good morning) Hope you are having a good day, and if not I hope it gets better :)

Eomer's POV
Over the next few days I had to leave Edoras to aid some of the smaller villages that were burned down by Saruman's minions. It was dreary business and I looked forward to returning. As I rode through the gates I glanced over to Willows house. The night before I left we talked and started to become good friends. We had a lot in common in the ways we treated situations head on. I guess Eden did that to. If I was supposed to be in love with her I wasn't feeling it. The only thing I could do was talk to Willow but I was a coward so that wouldn't happen. 
"Eomer! Have you thought about your descision. No don't tell me, I've prepared a feast in your return, tell me then." Eden yelled running up to. If I was in love with her I would jump off FireFoot and wrap her in my arms but I was not so I said:
"Sorry Eden. I haven't given it much thought but I before I go the feast do you mind if run an errand first?" Her face fell.
"Of course. Take your time." She walked off her shoulders slumped. That was when I made me decision: I couldn't string her along anymore. I would tell her, No. 

I chewed the side of my mouth as I walked over to Willow's house. The first thing I noticed was happiness that radiated of it. Even from the outside it seemed to be alight with Willow's spirit. There was also a goat and two chickens in a yard next to the house. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer it. She opened it with joy and let me in. She then went back to her table and continued grinding and mashing herbs and grasses into a paste. 
"Eomer, Hello. It's wonderful you back."
"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.
"Well I am now Edoras' Apocrathist." She said excitedly. 
"How did you get people to trust you." She smiled proudly. 
"Two girls, Mindy and Nathalia."
"Of course. They are never swayed by others words." I said. "They only sway people themselves."
"Yes, and they helped get all of this. She pointed to some furniture and the only window in the house where the goat and chickens were. I smiled as she blew her long blond hair out her face. 
There was silence which she seemed content with as she mashed the paste further more before adding water. 
"You seem happier Willow." I told her.
"I am happier Eomer." She said swiftly rising and kissing me on the cheek.
"Tell me, did you accept Eden's offer." My mouth fell open in surprise. 
"How do you know about that?" I demanded. She looked surprised. 
"Nathalia told me, is it supposed to be a secret?" She asked surprised.
"Oh, no of course not." I stammered.
"Okay, did you say yes or no?" She continued. My heart leapt at her interest. 
"I'm going to tell her no." I said carefully watching her reaction. 
"That's a shame. I mean your going to have to marry soon." She said sincerely though her voice seemed a little strained.
"Yes." I said simply. "I must leave now but I will see you around."  I told her heading to the door. She nodded goodbye and shut the door into the clear light air.
That was when I decided that I really did love Willow and no one else. Fate was strange that way.

It took all my will to confront Eden during dinner. So much of a feast... It turned out it was a meal just between us. I had nearly groaned but in some ways it would be easier to have a proper conversation between us. I took a sip of wine from my Goblet and swallowed it nervously.
"Eden dear, I think I have made up my mind." Eden smiled excitedly. "Our lives have been entwined, sometimes touching, sometimes not. You are a loyal friend and you have a beautiful soul-"
"Oh Eomer! She gushed. 
"Eden, my answer is no." I said a little annoyed. Her face fell as my stomach plummeted in guilt. What had I done?
"You love someone else, don't you." She said softly. "Let me guess!" Her voice hardened immediately. "Is it that pitiful sister of mine? Or that idiot redhead she is friends with or let me guess! That whore that tried to kill you!"
"Willow is no whore!" I yelled angrily
"There! Of course it's her! She's a fucking criminal from another land! You've chosen her over me! You are not fit for the role of king!" She screeched. The words stung for a few seconds before rage filled me.
"I may not be the best king, but I am the king and you have no right to address me like this. Get out of my sight!" I snarled.  
Eden stormed away her footsteps heavy until she broke into a light run out of my sight. I new it would end badly. Just like this... 

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