Attack on Dunharrow

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Willow's POV

Mindy kept out spirits high as we walked to Duharrow. We sang songs from times before loss and sorrow and laughed all the way. It was always sad helping the villages who had suffered terribly but they always greeted us warmly offering us what little comforts they had. Today we replaced bandages and handed out medication. We never charged them as we had enough money for ourselves  from the wealthy people in Edoras. I was in the process of dressing a wound when I heard screams from outside. I rushed out panicked. Men were running at the village with torches and spears, burning and killing. I couldn't leave these wounded people but my rational fear told me to run. I grabbed a knife from someone's table and strapped it to my belt. I then tried to lift the man I was treating outside. I half dragged him half carried him to behind a tree and went back. The men were getting closer, dragging women out onto the streets. I watched as a red head was dragged out kicking and screaming. 
"MINDY!" I yelled. With my knife in hand I ran at them. They dropped Mindy in surprise and raised there weapons smiling horrifically at me. 
"Come here girl." One of them said. I stood still my heart beating so hard I thought it was going to topple me over. I subtly shifted my knife so it was resting on my arm concealed from the men. A man with wild black hair and a rough beard walked up to me. He was obviously there leader as the other men were staying respectfully away. I saw Mindy escape out of the corner of my eye but I barely processed it. The man was touching my hair and smelling it. I tried to restrain from shaking by biting the inside of my cheek. He laid an arm around my waist gripping it tight. He turned to face me and smiled with rotten teeth. 
"Your a lovely one aren't you." He said. "Brave one to." I squinted pretending that my eyes were shut. The man went to touch my face distracted by my submission. I took my kife and gripped the hilt hard. I relaxed me eyes and spoke in a voice I didn't recognize.
"Don't touch me." I then plunged the knife into his eye. Crimson blood stained his face as other men ran to grab me. I spun away and tried to run but one caught my arm. I pulled against his iron grip until suddenly it went limp. The man collapsed and I turned to see an arrow sticking out of his back. I looked up and saw an army on horses. Leading them was a man on a grey horse holding a spear. 
Eomer. I watched as he and the Rohhiric army killed or drove away the last of the men.  I soon as I could, I found Mindy sitting in the dust shaking in fear. Without hesitation I put an arm around her. 
"Willow..." She sobbed into my dress. "I'm so sorry." 
"It's okay" I soothed. "It's over now." I heard someone dismount and place and gentle hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help but shiver at the touch. 
"Willow, Mindy are you okay." Said Eomer's comforting voice.
"I fine." We both sniffed. We got up and faced him. His face was full of concern. I remembered something suddenly. 
"Where's Nathalia?" Eomer shook his head. "I don't know." 

We insisted on looking for Nathalia instead of going straight back home. We found her lying in the house of one of her patients. Her face was ghostly pale and her eyes were glassy. 
"Nathalia." Mindy sobbed. Nathalia's eyes focused on us and she tried to move. I became aware of the blood coming from above her hip. I took some of the herbs she had been using before the attack and put it on the wound. I them tore of I peice from the bottom of my dress and bound it around the wound. 
"Willow, your ankles."  Nathalia muttered, I look down. My ankles were exposed but I had no way of covering them.
"It's fine." I said gritting my teeth. "Mindy, call the gaurd to get Nathalia back to Edoras." Mindy nodded sniffling. To think that this morning she had been laughing. Mindy returned with to men and Eomer who was keeping a watchful eye over them with my exposed ankles. I caught him looking and he turned away embarrassed. I watched as they lifted Nathalia in a cart back to Edoras, Mindy sitting with her  comforting her. Eomer walked beside me and just watched. 
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" I asked unemotionally.
"Only if you want to tell me." He answered. "People say that you stabbed the leader in the eye."
"You are a very brave person." He complimented.
"I wouldn't have to be if you kept the borders better protected!" I snapped suddenly. His face crumbled in hurt. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired and stressed I didn't mean it." Eomer nodded slowly like that was the answer he wanted.
 "I understand. Come, ride with me back to Edoras."
"Okay." I replied following him wearily to the horses. 
We rode close together with the rest of the army behind us. In other circumstances I would of been excited to be riding alongside Eomer leading the Rohhiric army but I struggled to enjoy it with the fatigue. When we got a Edoras I got to work on helping Nathalia. I washed the wound with a paste of plants trying to reduce it it getting infected. I bandaged it and then fed her some more roots to ease the pain. I finally got home just as night was falling. I didn't bother to eat or change my dress, instead I lay down and didn't wake up until late the next the morning.

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