Jin | Date A Hairdresser To Get Free Haircuts

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I know I'm supposed to update tomorrow, but I just couldn't resist! Enjoy!

(P.S. This photo is the Lock Screen ⬆️)

You were bored. Being a hairstylist wasn't easy. On top of that, the salon you worked in was owned by you. You had given a holiday to your two employees, who were cousins, as business had been slow lately, and they had a wedding to attend. On top of being bored, you were exhausted. Three customers had come in simultaneously, coincidentally wanting similar hairstyles.

You had single-handedly completed styling their hair in record time. Taking out your phone, you scrolled through different social media apps, though you didn't find anything interesting. Liking a couple of posts about cute kittens, you shut off your phone and sprawled across the sofa like a starfish. You knew that if another customer was to come in, you'd be super embarrassed, but right now, you couldn't care less.

After spending another half an hour in the same position, your back started aching. You sat up and took your phone, taking your sweet time to stare at the Lock Screen. It was your boyfriend, Seokjin, looking back at you while sitting at a table. You both were out walking near a small bridge, and a new couple were moving in in a house nearby. Seokjin just looked so pretty, that you had to click a picture.

He loved it, and you decided to set that as your wallpaper. That's when you heard the chime of a bell. Expecting a customer, you looked up. Instead of a stranger, stood your love Seokjin, holding a bouquet and a box. "Jinnie!" You grinned a big grin and lunged at him. He knew what your reaction would be, so he opened his arms in advance, not wanting to ruin the flowers or the contents of the box.

He laughed, and kept the stuff in his hands on the couch, hugging you back. "I missed you, Jinnie." You snuggled your nose in his chest. He tightened the hug. "I missed you too, Buttercup." This nickname came into existence when six years ago, when you both had recently befriended each other. He had found out about your obsession with both the buttercup plants, and the buttercup chocolates, hence the nickname. You, on the other hand, had never tried to be creative, simply calling him Jinnie like everyone else.

Letting go, you sat down and patted the space next to you, even though he didn't need the invitation. You picked up the box out of curiosity, and opened it. Seeing what was inside, you let out a squeal, and hugged him again. His iconic laughter echoed around the whole shop at your eagerness.

It was your favourite buttercup cheesecake. It wasn't just the flavour that made it special; it was the memory it held for you, your first date. It was the first dish Seokjin had made for you. He couldn't decide where to take you for your first date, and his friends had suggested him to do something different, something only he could think of. So you had your first date at the dorms, in your pajamas, eating whatever he cooked.

Towards the end of the date, it was pretty late, and the boys had come back home. Your date had somehow turned into a weekend long sleepover.

You got up, and went to the small reception. Opening your purse, you went through the contents and took out a disposable fork. "Just in case of emergencies." You waved it around and sat back. He chuckled. Directly breaking a bite from the side of the desert, you held the fork in his direction. He opened his mouth and went, "Ahhhhh." You shook your head slightly and smiled at his childish behaviour, already too used to it.

"So, how come your suddenly here?" You asked him, taking a bite yourself. "I was getting bored. That, and I need a haircut." You raised an eyebrow. "I think." He added as an afterthought. Letting an eye run over the mop on his head he called hair, you came to a conclusion he was right. A haircut would be a good idea, though you weren't sure why he thought he needed it.

Your mind wandered back to his first statement. He was getting bored? In the dorms? Where all seven of them live? Seriously? "And how come you got bored?"

"Yoongi and Namjoonie are busy helping Jiminie to write lyrics for his next single. Taehyungie and Kookie are busy fooling around, like always."

"And Hobi?"

"He's sick and sleeping. I was taking care of him the whole day, but he needed rest and fell asleep. So I thought why not surprise you? I made this within half an hour, and here I am!" He dramatically threw his arms in opposite directions in the end. And then he pecked your lips quickly, giving you a cheeky grin.

"What happened to Hobi?" You chose to ignore him, not just because you wanted to tease him, but you were actually worried too. "Oh, nothing very serious. Just a common cold and a cough. And a fever. Yeah."

"You sure it isn't flu?"

"If it was flu, I'd be affected by now." He reassuringly wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you into him in such a way that your back was pressed against his chest. He rested his chin on top of your shoulder, a habit which came out whenever he back hugged you. Pressing his lips to your cheek, he said, "You don't need to worry about all of us all the time, y/n. We're all grown men, and as long as they have me, everything's gonna be fine."

He just couldn't be serious for one minute, could he? But this somehow felt very comforting; just him being him. "You're my love and they're brother figures for me, it's natural for me to worry. And relax, it's not like I'm all disoriented in daily life unless I'm sure that you all are safe and sound. And you and me both know that all of you worry about me just as much as I do about you guys."

This time you pressed your lips against his cheek. Or at least tried to. He knew what you were going to do and turned last second, capturing your lips with his own in a heartwarming kiss. Two years. You both had been dating for two years, and yet every time you kissed, it still felt like it was your first. It made you feel all mushy and giddy and you felt like smiling for eternity.

"You taste like buttercups." He let go and pressed his nose in the crook of your neck. A fond smile broke out on your face. Bringing your hand up, you ruffled his hair. "Still want that haircut?" You felt him nod.

Soon, he was in one of the chairs in front of the big mirror. Readying your scissors and comb, you got to work.

He stayed there for the whole evening until you had to close up, his haircut done and cheesecake long gone. All the time he spent there was filled with smart jokes from you and dad puns from him, laughter from you and warmth from him. Both of you appreciated the time you got together. Closing up, you saw him randomly making a pout, not even looking at you. You just couldn't help but click a photo. 'The perfect Home Screen wallpaper.'

Pocketing your phone, you tapped on his shoulder. Merrily walking home, you sighed happily. This is definitely one of your best work days.


As it turns out, you were right; Hoseok did have the flu, and now you were busy taking care of a sick Seokjin, internally hoping you weren't the next person to get ill.

This idea was given by @MaKaylaPelzek1997. Thank you! I love you!

(She didn't get tagged, did she? I've tried tagging people, it just doesn't work. *frown frown*)

Who doesn't love this cutie? And he's not even trying to be cute

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Who doesn't love this cutie? And he's not even trying to be cute. Sometimes I just feel like flying all the way to Seoul just to cuddle this very cuddly man. (Especially when I see his photos where he resembles a hamster...or a Guinea pig. Whatever.)

~XoXo, me

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