Jimin | Friends And Foes And Angsty Shit

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Uh...don't kill me please? *nervously sweats* (I suck at writing fighting scenes, but y'all can just skip that if you want...)

Jimin gulped, and then entered his school. He had joined this school last year, the result of moving to another city. He had expected nice and friendly people, and had expected to make friends. But on the first day itself, a group of bullies had made him their permanent target. The situation in his last school wasn't any better. So now, an year later, he was afraid to even step inside his school. Too afraid about how his parents would react, or how the other kids would call him scared, he never told anyone. If the teachers or his parents happened to ask why he was covered in ketchup of milk or slime, he just told them that he had many friends who liked to play pranks on him.

He was visibly shaking a little as he stopped before his classroom. He wondered what did he do to deserve this. Not only the bullies played pranks on him, they also called him names, made him feel insecure about himself. All that was left now that would make him feel even smaller was if they started physically beating him up.

He took a nervous deep breath, and opened the door. A bucket fell on his head. White powder was everywhere. He fell down, coughing and generally panicking. He finally calmed down enough to know what had happened, and took the bucket off, only to be drenched in water instead. Now he was covered in a gooey mixture of flour and water.

He coughed again, very badly this time, but no one cared. Everyone was laughing, like always. He felt the extra standing fan kept for the teacher blowing air in his direction, making him shiver. And then a flurry of feathers came his way because of the air. They got stuck on him because of the mixture of water. All he could do was wave while tightly shutting his eyes. All of this happened so fast, how couldn't even register what was happening until he heard his classmates' laughs.

He felt tears build up in his eyes, while he tried not to move his hands to wipe them away, because he knew then they'd call him a crybaby. He was shaking and shivering violently. It wasn't winter yet, but the weather had started getting colder. He picked himself up, stumbling a little. Again, he heard laughter.

He opened the door and limped out, the result of him falling so suddenly. That, and he sprained his ankle when he stumbled. In a way, he was thankful that their teacher was late that day. The rest of the classes were in motion, so the halls were empty. Now he let his tears flow down his cheeks freely. He was sobbing silently, knowing if he made too much sound it would echo everywhere. He subconsciously took his gym clothes from his locker, too used to changing clothes because of these pranks.

He slowly opened the door to the boys' restroom. Heaving a relieved sigh when he found no one inside, he dragged himself to the basin. He started washing himself, crying all the while. They made him feel so insecure, so small. He often wondered if he deserved all of this. Did he even deserve all the love his parents gave him? He finally broke down, not caring who heard. He slid down the wall next to him.

He didn't know how much time he spent there, just wailing his heart out. Finally picking himself up, he took off his shirt and pants and changed into his gym clothes. He spent the whole period washing his uniform and wiping the now dirty wall with tissues. He felt broken.


It was the last class for the day. Jimin was very thankful that his bullies had not played anymore pranks on him for the remainder of the day. When the bell rung, he timidly got up and packed his bag. Because he had spent all his day in nothing but a T-shirt and a pair of shorts, he was very cold, had goosebumps, and was visibly shivering.

He rubbed his arms with his hands, an unsuccessful attempt to warm himself up a little. He was the last to leave the class. The hallways were almost empty when he came out. Still walking slowly, he came out of the school.

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