RM | I'm Smart But Forgetful

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Who can forget this iconic vlive, and an even more iconic line...anyway, enjoy!

You shifted your weight to your left leg. Then you shifted it to your right leg. And you continued doing this for the next minute. You had been standing next to your boyfriend's locker for the past ten minutes, waiting for him to come. Ever since he started school four years ago, he had never missed a day or came in late, so you were really worried.

He was Korean, but his parents had moved to the States. You were his first friend, and he had always complained how he felt like he didn't fit in despite being fluent in English and knowing how everything worked. Three years ago, you both had started dating, and you couldn't have been happier.

Right now though, your brain couldn't help but make dramatic stories. What if some goon saw an innocent Korean, nature and crab loving dimpled guy walking down the street to get to school and decided to beat him up?! What if some idiot decided to drink early in the morning before work and hit Namjoon while he crossed the road?! You really were freaking out. The worst thing was, he wasn't picking up his phone; it was switched off.

Finally, the bell rang, and you furrowed your eyebrows. Namjoon would hate this, but you had no choice. You ran and ducked here and there and finally found yourself outside the school gates. This wasn't the first time you were bunking, but the last time you did so was an year ago, when your boyfriend had caught you and made you promise him that you won't do it again.

You tried calling him again, and sent another text. Pocketing your phone, you walked in his house's direction, hoping to know what happened to him. Luckily, both his parents worked, and he had given you a spare key to his house, just in case.

You reached his house, and rang the bell a few times. When you got no reply, you went in. "Joon?!" You called out. "Jooooon!" Wasn't he home? You looked around. No, the family photos were still there, the refrigerator was still decorated like it usually was. You decided to check his room. You climbed the stairs two at a time, and knocked on his door.

Again, you got no reply. You slowly opened the door. The sight that awaited you was not what you were expecting.

Wrapped up like a human burrito, laid Namjoon, with a red nose and a damp cloth on his forehead. He was clearly sick. "Aw, baby." You pouted and took off the cloth, and pressed your lips on his head. After washing the cloth and keeping it back on his head, you looked for his phone. Being sick is one thing, not answering your girlfriend's phone is another.

You finally eventually found the damn thing under a small pile of papers on his desk. You pressed the power button, but nothing happened. It was clearly dead. "How many times have I told him to charge his phone before bed..." you muttered to yourself, while searching for his charger. By looking at his personality, a person would easily think he was a very neat and clean person, but one look into his room would tell them otherwise.

You plugged his phone in, checking to see if it was charging, or if he had unknowingly broken the charger again. Nothing new in that. Satisfied when it lighted up, you silently moved out of his room to the kitchen. You had been over a lot of times, and often helped his mother in cooking, as you usually stayed for dinner. Taking out the ingredients for a simple tomato basil soup, you stared cooking. (I actually searched 'soups good for cold' and guess what I found? The first result said 'Chicken Noodle Soup'. Go ahead, make comments ;-) )


Half an hour later, you had a plate ready with honey-lemon tea and steaming soup. You carefully climbed up the stairs. Setting down the plate on the floor, you opened the door of his room. You picked up the plate, and kept it on the little space left on his table. Quickly stacking all the papers and books in a corner, you made enough space for the plate so it wouldn't fall down.

"Joon? Babe? Joon." You gently woke him up by caressing his cheek, knowing he loved it when you did that. He slowly opened his eyes, looking disoriented for a while. His eyes finally settled on you. They were filled with confusion by then. You helped him sit up, making sure he wasn't cold. "Y/n." He simply said. You hummed, taking steps in the direction of his desk, to bring the soup and tea.

You took a spoonful of soup, and blew on it, taking it near his mouth. He opened up, but confusion was still evident in his eyes. "You didn't charge your phone again, and I got worried when you won't pick up. So I may have bunked school to search for you. And I found you asleep, sick." You explained. You knew he was going to lecture you for bunking school, so before he could say anything, you began defending yourself. "You are more important to me than trigonometry is. I don't even know why I'm learning that shit in the first place..."

He closed his mouth at this, and silently let you feed him. After the bowl was finished, you took off the coaster you had very smartly placed on top the cup of tea do it wouldn't go cold, and handed it to him. "Don't drop it!" Saying this, you took the plate and the empty bowl to the kitchen and washed them quickly.

After you went back up, you found Namjoon covering himself in blankets. "Lemme help." You grabbed one end of the blanket and wrapped him again. "Thanks." You knew he wasn't speaking too much or too freely because he had a sore throat. You hugged him. "Does it hurt? Your throat?"

"It's better. Thank you. For the soup and tea."

"Anytime." You closed your eyes and shimmied yourself up the bed on the small space he left, hugging him even tighter. "Y/n. Don't come closer, I'm sick. You'll get sick too. Please."

You opened an eye. "At least I'll have a reason for not attending school." You shrugged and relaxed against him again. "Come on y/n. Please. For me."

This was the one time you weren't going to let his cute baby voice or his dimples affect you. You were staying where you were, period. As a reply to his request, you pulled yourself to his head level, and gave him a long kiss on his lips, all the while caressing his cheek. "No." Pulling yourself back down, you closed your eyes yet again, this time trying to go to sleep.

He knew you wouldn't listen, so all could do was go to sleep too. And that's what he did.

Thankfully, your mother knew that you often spent time with your friends and Namjoon after school, so she wasn't worried. But you did give his mother a heart attack of the century when she came home early to check on her son and found you there, sleeping with him all snuggled up.


Let's just say, the next day, your mother asked you to not to go to school because you were sneezing too much.

Is it good is it good is it good? I did all fluff, and I am satisfied. Anyway, I got the idea from Lyradaisical's 'Rain Showers And Shower Showers' on YouTube. It's a Miraculous fanfic, and one of my absolute favourites. Go check it out, if you're interested in Miraculous.

On a completely different note, one of my new and good friends here on Wattpad just deactivated her account. She did tell me in advance, but I saw her message hours after she did it. I didn't even get to ask her why she did so. *frowns* She was the one I sent all my imagines in advance to, so she could proofread it and give me reviews and help me make it better...

~XoXo, me

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