Suga | A Toddler And A Big Baby

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C/n : cousin name

"Hey, Yoongs?" You tentatively called out to your neighbour slash best friend, as you sat down on the bed after re-entering the room. "Yeah?" He swivelled around, raising his brow questioningly. You both had decided to do some study, as your exams were nearing. You were sitting on your bed, while he occupied the revolving chair. He had been staying over from two days ago, as both his and your parents were away on some business trip.

Both your families being close friends meant you both had known each other your whole life. Maybe that was the reason you both were best friends. His father had suggested to 'leave the kids in the same house so he can cook and she can clean. That way, neither of them will be burning the house down.' His words, not yours.

He was referring to the time you almost burned the kitchen while trying to make pancakes, and and time he almost blew the vacuum cleaner, resulting in a short circuit, which easily could've turned into a fire. Both of you had sighed and grimaced at his words.

You had just got off the phone from one of your aunts. Her husband had recently been in an accident, and for proper treatment, he had to go to another country. The problem was that they had a small kid, a boy of four. She had pleading asked you to babysit him, which you often found yourself doing for your cousins, as most of them were less than ten.

You really wanted to help her. That, and you loved little c/n. You had decided to call your mother, asking if it was okay to babysit the little guy. Your mother had reluctantly replied with a yes, having some assurance as Yoongi was with you. You had called your aunt back, giving an affirmative reply, and felt happy when you heard her sigh of relief. You were taking some of her burden, and you always felt good when you helped people.

"I uh. I– my aunt called, and sh—"

"You're babysitting another one of your cousins, aren't you?" He interrupted you in a very annoyed tone. You sighed a looked at your hands on your lap. "Yes."

He grumbled in irritation. He loved kids, he really did, just, more than once you had cancelled on hanging out with him because you were busy babysitting. He wasn't the most social person, and didn't have that many friends except you, so you knew where he was coming from. Unbeknownst to him, you had always felt incredibly guilty when you cancelled. You even cried yourself to sleep once, all the past guilt coming back to eat at you suddenly.

Right now too, you were feeling extremely guilty. And seeing him silently taking out his anger on your pencil, thinking you couldn't see him, brought tears to your eyes. You had always left him hanging because of this, you couldn't bear it anymore. A wave of determination surged through you. You were going to refuse to your aunt. You were going to feel down for a week, but seeing your best friend happy would make it worth it.

You got up and went outside in the hall, making sure he couldn't hear anything. What you didn't know, was that he got curious, and followed you outside, making sure he was hidden before eavesdropping. He knew it was wrong, but he had fought a glimpse of your sad face, and he just couldn't bear the thought of being responsible for it.

Sitting timidly on the sofa, you dialed your aunt, putting the phone on speaker as a habit. You barely got a greeting out, before you heard her pants and huffs. It was obvious she was very stressed, and you were just going to refuse to babysit c/n. You were already feeling terrible. Finally gathering up enough courage to speak, you only let out a hi before she interrupted you. "Y/n, dearie, thank you again. I was going to call you in a bit anyway. One of my friends was visiting, and she lives near your house, so I just sent c/n with her." Your eyes widened at this. Now there was no way you could refuse.

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