Jin | I Just Had To Be The Eldest

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So, I thought I should do fluff for the first one. Anyway, doesn't Jinnie look like their father in that suit and everything? And the others look like oversized babies 🥺🥺 (let's be honest, when do they not look like babies??)

Jin was exhausted. He just wanted to go home, take a relaxing shower, and go to sleep. But here he was, in the dance studio, while the maknaes played around with each other running around everywhere, Namjoon and Hoseok discussed God knows what smack dab in the middle of the studio, and Yoongi was busy in his phone while he laid down on the small sofa in the corner. Jin wasn't tired because of the extreme practise; he was used to working hard. It was the members.

He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, thinking back to what happened just a couple of hours ago.

"Guys! We're late! Get yourselves down here, RIGHT NOW!!" Jin screamed standing near the front door of the dorm. They had to learn the new choreo for their title song in the upcoming album. They were already 15 mins late, and now everyone was getting on his nerves. He wouldn't say that he was the most punctual person, but when it came to dancing, he wanted to work hard and learn the choreo as soon as possible so he could have the whole day to practise. He wanted to impress the ARMYs; he wanted to let them know he could dance. "GUYS!" he screamed again.

"Calm down hyung, what happened?" Taehyung suddenly emerged from the kitchen in his pajamas, biting an apple. " 'What happened?' WHAT HAPPENED?! We're late for dance practise and you're busy eating an apple here!" Jin yelled at him, exasperated. Taehyung didn't seem bothered by the situation, as he muttered a 'geez, calm down, hyung' and made his way towards his room. Jin knew him good enough to know he was going to change his clothes so they could go for dance practise.

Jin finally decided that enough was enough. He stormed to the nearest room, which was Namjoon's and went in without knocking. "How many times do I have to scream that we are late for dance practise?" He crossed his arms across his chest and gave Namjoon a stern look. "Sorry hyung, I was too engrossed in this." He waved a book right in Jin's face. "Ugh!" Jin smacked his hand away and glared at him. "You are going to keep this book here and come with me to the studio. Right. Now. Get it?" He glared at Namjoon again and stormed out.

Next, he went to Jimin and Hoseok's room, where he found both of them laughing at their phones with headphones covering both their ears. It was obvious that they were playing a game with each other. You'd expect the dance line to at least be excited and punctual about going to dance practise, but that clearly wasn't the case. Jin stomped to them and snatched their phones right out of their hands. Both of them whined and looked up to see who was disturbing them.

They might be the scariest when angry, but Jin was elder than them, and as angry as they were at their interruption, they couldn't actually say anything out of respect. "Dance practise. Now!" He gave them a stern glare and went out, slamming the door behind him. They both looked at each other, shrugged, and got ready to go.

Jin on the other hand, almost broke Yoongi's room door in his rush. The room was empty, but he knew that Yoongi would be in his studio. He sighed and thought, 'At least someone has a plausible excuse as to why they didn't come down despite me screaming my lungs out...'

He knocked on the studio door, but got no reply. The lights were on, and he could hear fingernails lightly tapping the wooden desk inside, so he knew someone was in there. He knocked again, but again got no reply. He decided to peek in, and saw both Jungkook and Yoongi inside. Both had donned a set of headphones each, and were bobbing their heads, so Jin assumed they were listen to a beat.

Jungkook suddenly clicked on the pause button and moved his headphones to his neck. Yoongi did the same and saw the younger with curious eyes. Jungkook picked up a pen and started writing something in a notebook Jin hadn't noticed before then.

Then he suddenly remembered why he was there in the first place. He coughed a little and had their attention. Silently informing them that they should come down for dance practise, he left the room. When he reached the front door, everyone was just wearing their shoes or checking their phones while waiting for the others.

"I drained all my energy yelling and screaming at you guys, now how am I supposed to practise today's choreo?" He gave them all an annoyed look. While the 94s had the shame to look down and apologise once again, the other two tried tricking their way out. They gave him cute grins which screamed 'please forgive us hyung, we'll be good from now on' in baby voice. He narrowed his eyes at them, too used to their games and looked away. Both Yoongi and Jungkook entered, and they all silently left for the dance studio.

Jin woke up with a start. 'Did I really fall asleep on the middle of rehearsals?'  He was still not thinking straight, but being too used to being in noisy environments, his brain quickly picked on the fact that they were in the dance studio with everyone but there was not a whisper to be heard.

He looked around and found the most adorable sight ever. Everyone had piled on top of each other, and were sound asleep. It was the most cuddly sight ever. Jin's eyes immediately softened. He felt like going to join their cuddle session and go to sleep again, but being the responsible elder one, he had to take charge. He checked the time and saw that break would be over in just five minutes.

He made his way towards them and gently woke them all up. The air was filled with adorable little sighs and yawns while everyone rubbed their eyes to wake up properly.

"I've got too many babies..." he muttered to himself.

This was terrible. Seriously. The picture in my head was a lot better. Sorry.

(How did I actually find a picture of them sleeping all cuddly without Jin??)

(How did I actually find a picture of them sleeping all cuddly without Jin??)

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Anyway, bye!!

~XoXo, me

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