The pact

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The judging room, perhaps this place can currently be considered the most hated place in the underground, at least for the one who carries the burden of acting as the judge. What was once a beautiful golden corridor leading to the throne room, has now turned into ruins with craters scattered randomly across the floor as well as shattered windows and broken columns. In the center of it all, a red puddle was spread around the body of a human child impaled by bones, but contrary to expectations, the child in question was smiling as if the supposed pain he should be feeling was non-existent.

Not far away from the already almost lifeless body was the perpetrator and the main culprit for all the destruction around, a skeleton that only displayed a void in both its eye socket and its fakes smile. Sans the skeleton, the last real obstacle that the human needed to overcome to then fulfill his goal of eliminating all life in the underground. Countless times a deadly dance between two different races took place in this room, and countless times the winner remained the same, just as countless times everything restarted as if the battle of life and death had never happened in the first place, only to be started over again.

- So I guess we are approaching the four-digit attempt. Cheer up child, maybe next time you'll make it. - In response to the provocative words, the human only laughed for a few brief moments, until he was forced to stop when he choked on his own blood and was forced to spit it out. - Megalomaniac!

Confronted again with his opponent's lack of fear of death, a bone without hesitation pierces the skull of the murderous child, but before any chance to enjoy the victory arises, everything returns to normal as if nothing had happened. A glint of a golden star can be seen at the other end of the corridor from where Sans is standing, and just as expected, the human approached again without any kind of injuries and endowed with a menacing smile while holding a sharp knife in his hands, a weapon that claimed the lives of countless innocent lives.

- Let's just get to the point. - Already accustomed to this situation that has repeated itself hundreds of times, Sans is the first to make a move.

The underground judge remembered very well how the first battles took place, he barely needed to leave his original position and just attacked with his magic from a safe distance, but after a few dozen times he finally needed to start moving more to survive. Because with each attempt, each time he accomplished his goal and his opponent unjustly came back from the dead, the child learned something new, after all one of the greatest characteristics of humans has always been to adapt.

For someone with a lazy nature, it was only a matter of time before Sans ran out of moves and tricks available to survive. So it was necessary to improvise and learn new tactics, after all, lack of time and an opponent to train with were not a problem for him. Before anyone realized it, human and monster were evolving with each confrontation.

Meanwhile, the distance between them was slowly disappearing, and as if predicting the future, the battle whose number consisted of four digits finally had a different outcome. Just one wrong choice at the wrong time was enough.

Before he knew it, a wide horizontal cut hit the judge's chest, causing him to crash to the ground. Such an outcome resulted in different reactions among the participants of this so far endless fight, while the human displayed a euphoric and sickly smile, Sans showed a surprising smile of acceptance. For each time the human died and then returned, a small part of Sans' will to continue fighting faded away. But now it was finally over.

- So... I guess that's it, huh? - Making a slight effort to stand up, Sans started to walk to the exit of this hated place. - I'm going to Grillby's.

And with a quick snap of his fingers, his surroundings changed to the snowy region of Snowdin, more specifically in front of the establishment where years of his life were spent. Unlike the much hated courtroom, this was a place where he felt safe, a place where he had friends, a place where he was happy.

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