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Taehyung was grumbling curses as he read the bottle's instructions while holding the small cup like cap. He began to pour the bitter liquid into the cup up to the line mentioned. He handed it to Jungkook who pushed it away.

"Jungkook, stop being a child and drink it."

"I'm fine! Just give me my water."

"Absolutely not, take this."

"Hyung! We're going on tour soon, you know I won't get sick. I'm fine."

Taehyung wasn't believing it and shoved the plastic cup back towards Jungkook.


"Fine! Just tell me when it started."



Jungkook nods as he watches Taehyung set the cup filled with the failed fruity flavor attempt liquid.

"What happened when it started?"

"What're you? A doctor?" Jungkook a coffee playfully before Taehyung smacked his arm.

He let out a sound of pain and surprise.

"Answer me."

"I don't know. You and Jimin hyung were talking and being a gross couple."

Taehyung hummed.

"I honestly think I'm just dehydrated."

"No. You would've felt faint and had a headache, not chest pains that make breathing difficult."

Jungkook exhaled while rolling his eyes.

"Well I personally think l'm fine. I just wanna lay here and watch YouTube videos. I don't need a doctor and I don't need that ass tasting medicine."

Taehyung stared at him with a squint before agreeing and taking the medicine and leaving his room.

Just then Jungkook's phone buzzed and he checked. His heart immediately squeezing again. He let out a sound of pain and Taehyung rushed in.

"What's wrong?!" He rushed over and massaged Jungkook's chest as he began to cough.

What the hell was happening?

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