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Eva and I had no engagements for a while so we went to Italy to see Giovanni and Faith. We were staying there for a week. I was grateful for the distraction from what we were dealing with. We arrive at the Palace De Costa and saw all the staff line up ready to greet us. Then we saw Faith and Giovanni coming down the stairs.

"George please take their highnesses bags up to their rooms", a tall white hair man dress in a black suit come up to Eva and I and bows.

"I'm George the head butler anything you need just let me know".

We thank him and greet Faith and Giovanni, "It's so nice to see you both".

Faith hugs me then her sister then we all walk inside to be greeted by a large marble stairwell. The palace was exquisite, marble floors complemented the large circular table with fresh flowers on it. I had been here before of course many times.

Eva's POV

I was so happy to be in Italy it's been two months since I've seen Faith in the flesh. She looks so happy and big it's hard to believe she's only couple months further along than me. The world can truly blindside you I mean who would've believed we would both end up being royals, "I've missed you so much," I say to her.

"I'm hurt sweetheart didn't you miss me too?"

"Giovanni", I smile at William's tone. He's so possessive over me. I roll my eyes and smile at Giovanni.

"I was too busy enjoying my husband to miss you".

William laughs, "My dear Eva you two are just as bad as each other".

He was right I enjoy teasing Giovanni as much as he like to tease me. "I would love to go to that pizza place you were telling me about Faith while I'm in Italy".

"She has been craving pizza a lot lately and my Faith has been eating our housekeeper's fresh bread with meatballs like it's going out of fashion. I'm happy to watch her feed our children of course", he touches her stomach proudly. I lean into William and he puts an arm around me.

"You're thinking about food aren't you?" He ask.

I smile sheepishly, "I'm".

"Why do you two go freshen up?" Suggest Giovanni.

William and I go upstairs to our room our clothes was placed in the walk in closet for us. I see William looking at me with love, "What?"

"I'm just happy to see that beautiful smile of yours",  my stomach did summersaults.

How did this man always make me feel like I was the most beautiful person in the world. I kiss him which lead to us making love over and over again. It was three hours before we went back downstairs my sister and Giovanni smirkes at us.

"Well well well I see your activities have finally used up enough calories to force you both to come downstairs. Ah William your hair is wet thank god you at least have the decency to have a shower. Lets leave the ladies to their plotting. I need to talk to you in the study".

I blush but didn't care about Giovanni's words of course but I was glad no one could tell on account of my dark skin tone. I followed Faith into the garden, "it's nice to see you sis how's the family?"

"They're okay you know I never knew being a princess was such hard work".

"You love it along with your man".

I laugh, "It's true when are you guys coming to Denmark to visit?"

She doesn't look at me, "What?" I had a terrible feeling in my stomach.

"You know everything we have been dealing with now is not a good time for us to leave the country. I'm sorry we will try our best to visit before the baby is born".

"Thank you for saying that just promise me you will call me whenever you can".

"I promise".

William's POV

"Are you sure man?"


"I'm glad Faith will be by your side".

"Me too my uncle allowed me to go live with my aunt in Denmark where I was treated well. I expected him to meet someone and get married but it never happened instead he made sure I would be his heir".

"If you're happy then I'm happy for you".

"Thanks man".

His phone goes off, "His facial expression becomes serious my first thought was his uncle had died. "It's over the police have them".

"Them?" Then it hits me who them were Eric Curry and his no good friends".

"Eric wants to see our wives before he will talk to the police.

"Not going to happen".

"My thoughts exactly".

"Where did the police find them?"

"They're in Italy".

The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3 of The House Of Jensen Series)Where stories live. Discover now