Unbearable Pain

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I go back home after talking to my uncle. I walk into the living room to see Eva curl up on the sofa holding her stomach. I walk over to the sofa she was fast asleep. So I make to pour myself a glass of whiskey then stop.

My father's words came back to me, "Don't ever have any alcohol after a fight with Eva. You'll be surprise how easily that can becomes a habit. After everything that's happened to this family I don't want to lose another child. If you allow it to alcohol will become your best friend and walk you into alcoholism".

I pour the whisky away and head for the gym in the palace instead. I need to punch something so I change into shorts and a t-shirt and grab my Nikes. The first thing I did when I get to the gym was glove up and started punching the dummy that was there. I spent an hour in the gym and when I returned to our apartment Eva was awake.

She stands up when I walk in the living room, "Hi".

I watch as she plays with the helm of her blouse, "Hi I'm just going to have a shower I was in the gym".

She looks disappointed but I walk by her and start undressing. I was in the shower soaping up myself when the bathroom door opens.

"I'm sorry okay you're right I need to stop thinking of myself as the daughter of a billionaire who can have whatever she wants. I'm an engaged woman who's soon to be a royal and I need to change my attitude. You know when Debbie met me I was this eighteen year old girl who always had friends who wanted something from me. She literally didn't know who I was. You know she thought I came from a working class background. Yet she didn't behave like a Prima Donna towards me". I say nothing and Eva continues, "It was weird here was this princess treating me like a normal person. She didn't know I was rich for ages I'm sorry I was rude to you earlier. I guess I thought because I was going to be a princess I should be treated like how I've seen Debbie being treated".

"You're not going to ever be queen Eva".

"I know William I'm not Victoria or Debbie".

"There's nothing wrong with being Eva Jensen she gets to travel and meet presidents and kings. Be a mother to princes and princesses and she gets to make a real difference to people's lives. You know what else she gets to be my wife".

I hear sniffles, "I'm sorry you've lost your sister and mother William. You loved them once I can't imagine what it would be like to know I can never see mum and my sister again".

I say nothing and continue washing myself until there was just silence in the bathroom. I finish in the shower and reach for my towel. It's handed to me, "Thank you", Eva smiles at me weakly.

I dry myself off then put my boxers on, "I hate Debbie because she's still pregnant and I lost my baby".

I freeze at Eva's words,"I lost my child too yet I don't feel bad because Debbie is pregnant. My mother's hatred of Debora has devastated my family. I would rather we call the engagement off than have a family with you only for you to behave like my mother did".

Eva moves away from me, "You don't mean that".

"I do I love you I truly do but I've just had four weeks of heartache and I'm just about coping. You're dealing with a miscarriage I understand that guess what I'm dealing with your miscarriage too".

"Why can't we get past this?"

"You want me to get pass the fact you hate my cousin I think you should start your counselling tomorrow".

"Why are you afraid I may push your precious queen to be down the stairs to make her lose the baby".

Eva covers her mouth in shock at what she just said."I would never do that I don't where that came from".

"Why don't you lie down".

I place her on the bed but I was conflicted her doctor said she may have outbursts as she processes her grief. If she is a threat to the royal family I need to let people know. I decide to not tell them and instead I call her doctor who was on her way over.

"I lost three people and I'm functioning why is it so hard for her to deal with one lost?" I ask myself out loud.

I was making myself tea when the doctor came over. If I told her what Eva said she would've to report it citing security concerns.

"Dr Argar", I signal for her to follow me.

"She hates Debora because she's still pregnant".

"It's a normal reaction as long as she doesn't act on her hate there's nothing to worry about. Every time she sees a baby or a pregnant woman she will think of her loss".

"Women miscarriage every day they don't carry on the way she is, I'm sure of it".

"Do you know anyone that's lost a child your Highness?" I shake my head no.

"Then with all due respect you don't know what grief can do to a person. I'm sorry you do don't you. You have had three losses in a matter of weeks. Tell me do you think she's a danger to herself?"

"She's been fine it's just out of the blue something has became a very big issue for her that she knew would happen anyway. All I meant before is why do some people deal so well with their loss then others fall apart?"

"No two people are the same your highness is it okay if I speak to your fiancée now".

"Of course let me just check if she's awake".

"You were worried enough to call me here if you need to wake her please do that. I can't leave without speaking to her".

I go into the bedroom and Eva was sat up in bed watching tv.

"Eva, Dr Argar is here to speak to you".

"You call the doctor?"

"You gave me no choice you need to deal with your grief before it destroys you. I love you and want you to get well".

"Wasn't it less than an hour ago you were ready to walk away from me".

"Eva even you have to admit what you said earlier was out of hand. If I said to you what you said to me how would you react?"

"Get you help why aren't you falling apart William?"

"Because if I do there will be no one to lift you up".

She holds out a hand to me and I walks towards her and take it. She rest it on her face, "I'm sorry I don't know how to make the pain stop".

"Give the doctor a chance she will be able to help you process your grief".

I watch Eva leave the bed and put on her robe. I take her in the living room and leave her with Dr Argar. I decide to catch up on some paperwork in my study to give them some privacy.

The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3 of The House Of Jensen Series)Where stories live. Discover now