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Eva's POV

The minute I mention the money I saw a flicker of hurt across William's face. I reach for his hand, "Our royal bodyguards have done an amazing job keeping us safe so far".

"I know".

"I'm sorry if what I said hurt you".

"You're one of the heirs to a multi billion euros fortune that's so large that when it's split between 3 people your share will be several billion euros. I have 55 million euro to my  name".

"I don't care how much money you've William and you and I both know your fortune is now triple that. Since daddy gave you and Giovanni shares in the family's companies".

William's POV

She was right I've been investing my money and was now worth over £170 million euros.

"Are you okay to do your engagement today?"

"Of course I'm I've been looking forward to visiting this mother and baby unit for a while now. Being pregnant makes it mean so much more to me".

"Okay", I look at my watch. "I've to go babe I'll see you later". I give her a quick kiss and leave.

Eva's POV

I was in the car with Danita my private secretary, "Are you okay your highness you seem stressed".

"I met someone at my gala last night that I have a restraining order against".

She was visually shocked at that, "Are you sure we checked everyone that was coming. The charity assured us they did checks as well".

"They lied clearly the name I know them by wasn't on the list".

"It's a good job security was in the room at all times yesterday. I'm sorry this happened as your most senior staff  member this is on me. I did all the checks you've got to believe me it was impossible for him to be there. I know as a POC how important you being in your role is. I also know some racist don't like you being in your position as a black women. I know more than most the importance of keeping you safe".

I was touched my her words I say nothing until we arrive at the hospital. I leave the car and see the line up of people waiting to greet me. I wave to the crowd and smile I see flash after flash of lights as people take my photograph. I go over to the receiving line and greet the head of the hospital.

As I arrive on the mother and baby unit I smile and start speaking to the clients as well as the staff.  When the engagement was over and I was in the car. It occurs to me Danita never ask me who the person was that came under a false name yesterday. Surely that's the first question you ask but she didn't. I spend the time in the car with her on my phone.  I tell her to take the rest of the day off then I speak to my team when she's gone. I tell tell them about the stalker Then I remember her using the word him about Eric.

The first question everyone wanted to know was the bastard's name.

"Now you see why it's weird the person in charge of checking the list didn't think to ask that question".

"I was going to double check the guest list but Danita was insistent about doing it".

I listen to my private secretary's assistant explaining how they checked to make sure everyone attending the gala was safe.

"Did you do the checks away", I ask her knowing the personality type she was.

"Hell yeah I did", I smile and thank her for being great at her job.

"Great and everyone clearly checked out?"


I draw the meeting to a close and go in search of my husband. I get to our apartment and check out private rooms he wasn't there. I put the kettle on and make myself a cup of tea. I was drinking the instant ginger tea when I started to panic because I was alone in the apartment. There were staff outside the door but I still felt jittery. I call my female bodyguard and tell her to come and see me. I was just putting the final touches on a selection of sandwiches when a staff announces her.

Milly walks into the kitchen and I watch her look at the priceless paintings hanging in the dining room. Which you could see from the kitchen.

I wanted to laugh bitterly here I was surrounded by luxury and none of it could take my fears away.

"Your Royal Highness you wish to see me?"

"Please take a seat", I watch her sit.

"The true is I'm scared Eric was able to get into the palace even with all the security".

Milly  looks at me in understanding, "I'll have the team check your apartment over. I saw you looking at Danita today at your engagement. Tell me is there something I should know?"

I pick up a turkey sandwich and take a bite. When I finish chewing I look Milly in the eye. "She never ask the name of the person who had a false name. Which was the first thing her colleagues ask me and she knew it was a man."

I watch her fill her plate up with food then she leans back and surveys me. "The charities last night know if they bring a wronging to palace doors. They become a parasite to us never to be trusted and won't ever have a royal visit again".

"So he didn't come with the charities last night?" I was very perplexed.

"No, the police is still digging and we know were he lives. I think if ... ". Before she could finish speaking William comes in the room. She stands and curtsies to him.

William kiss me, greets Milly and takes a seat next to me helping himself to some food. "As I was saying your highness I think someone in the palace told him about last night".

"I think so too". Milly and I turn to William. "Those charities were well vetted. Eric Curry is indeed a doctor but according to our information he has never left Denmark".

"What kind of doctor?" I ask wondering if Susan knows him.

"You're wondering if Debora friend Susan knows him?" Wonders William I love that he can read me so well.

The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3 of The House Of Jensen Series)Where stories live. Discover now