The Ex

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William's POV

When I woke up I tiptoed around the bedroom since Eva was still sleeping. She has a craving for Chinese food so I've arranged for the chef who cooked at the dinner party for me. To come up here and do a meal for us all.
I'm excited she's having cravings and she's experiencing the normal symptoms of pregnancy. I use the bathroom then go for a jog with the guys.

"This place is beautiful William I see why you love coming up here".

"There's acres upon acres of countryside and there's a town not far from here".

"So Daniel how are you feeling after yesterday?"

"I'm glad everything is out in the open now and I'm ashamed. I didn't give Katherine the relationship she deserves".

"You've the rest of your life to make it up to her son".

"I know dad I'm sorry I kept her a secret from you guys."

We finish our jog and make our way to our rooms to have a shower and get change. Eva was putting on makeup when I arrive in our suite, "Good morning honey".

"Morning", I go to kiss her.

"Don't you dare you smell"

I walk to the bathroom and undress then head for the shower where I wash my hair and soap myself up. Since we were going into town later. I decide to wear grey pants with a white shirt and pick up my black coat to go with it. I put on a pair of black boots to complete the outfit.

I take Eva's hand and we walk to the dining room it felt good to be eating breakfast with her family at the winter palace. I don't know if we will ever be here all together again in this way. Since our lives were taking us in such different directions.

When we arrive downstairs everyone was there and ready for the day. I greeted them all with a good morning and we make our way to the dining table. As we eat we discuss what we would all be doing for the day. The ladies wanted a day of pampering and the guys wanted to see the town. After breakfast the guys and I went into town I show them the places I loved to visit and eat in. Then introduced them to some people I knew was very discreet. We went back home for lunch then Eva and I had a walk by ourselves when she came back home.

We walk hand in hand around the grounds, "Are you going to tell me what my surprise is?" She ask.

I turn and kiss her, "Nope you'll just have to wait". She starts pouting she looks so cute I was glad she was mine and no one else would get to call her wife.

"Thats not fair, anyway thank you again for inviting mum and dad I know how much of a big deal this is for them".

"They're my in-laws and family it felt natural to ask my uncle if they could come here".

"I love you so much", she kisses me passionately.

That night Eva and I enjoyed our romantic meal in our suite she was feeling a bit tired so the butler bought us up the food.

When we returned to Copenhagen our first engagement back was a gala for AIDS research. It was was being held at the palace. Eva and I were greeting the people when I notice a tall brunette man wearing a tailored suit staring at her.

"Excuse us please", I say to the guest we just greeted. Something about the man didn't sit right with me.

As we turn from our guest I see Eva following my eye line and heard,"crap".

I turn to her, "You know him?"

"Yes he's my ex I found out he was only dating me for my money and ended the relationship. We didn't date for very long this was back in my university days".

"I wonder why he's here?"

"He's a doctor at least he should be maybe he's working in AIDS research".

"Maybe I take it you don't want to talk to him".

"I really don't there's nothing he can say to me that will change my opinion of him".

"Why don't you go mingle with ou..". Before I could finish my sentence the doctor comes over.

He smiles slyly at both Eva and I like he knew a secret and he had the upper hand.

He bows to us both, "Hello Eva I see you've move up in the world or should that be down".

I ball my hands into fist while trying not to show any anger mindful of being in a room full of people.

"It's Your Royal Highness to you and I literally can't even remember your name".

I smile at Eva's words.

"It's Eric Curry", he answers in a defeated tone.

"What are you doing here Eric?"

He look at Eva then seems to be fighting with himself how to answer.

"I work with one of the charities".

"Are you on the board of Directors I ask?" like I didn't know he was a doctor.

"No I'm a doctor I spent the last year working in Africa".

I see Eva take several steps away from him and security making their way over to us. She leaves with them.

"When did you get back to Denmark and where in Africa did you go?"

"A week ago and South Africa ".

I let out an audible sigh, "Look enjoy Eva while you can soon she will be mine and it will be my bed she's warming." He smiles at me like he just won a contest.

I was going to say something to him but instead walk away from the conversation. I then noticed Eva wasn't in the room anymore so I signal for security to escort Eric off the premises.

I call Eva's mobile, "Hello", she says sadly.

The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3 of The House Of Jensen Series)Where stories live. Discover now