The First Date

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The truth is Emma is my sister and I've requested I don't get any joint engagements with her. I'm sorry to say I stay well away from her when the royal family has to be all present at public engagements. She's super happy in public and I know it's an act. The reason I put the phone down on her is so she knows I'm not playing her games full stop. It's been just under two years since she was as she says demoted and I was promoted.

I'm brought out my thoughts by the newsreader's voice. I make myself a cup of tea and head for bed. The next day I'm up bright and early. I shower and get ready for the day I only had one engagement then I was free for the rest of the day.

I head to the central library to celebrate its centennial birthday. When I get there I greet some of the people waiting on the receiving line. When the engagement was over I went to see my uncle he was playing with his four year old son Alexander. The queen even though she was in her forties managed to get pregnant naturally and had a healthy baby boy.

I knew my uncle was happy to see one of his children grow up. The queen had Debbie at nineteen and she and the king split up soon after. They did get back together and sort out their issues. Now at the age of forty-eight she had a toddler to run around after. I once ask Debbie if she was angry her mother wasn't there for her when she was growing up but is for her brother Alexander .

"Why would I be upset my brother get to have the one thing I once was so desperate for. A happy childhood with loving parents. I can't say I forgive my mother and keep bringing up her past".

"Hey Uncle Alexsander".

Since the truth about Victoria came out years ago my family now have a open door policy. I can even call my uncle by his name in private now when it's just family.

He looks up from playing with Alexander, "William what brings you here?"

"I have a date with Eva tonight I'm so nervous she's coming by my place for dinner".

"Finally, just be yourself William tell me what have you got the kitchen cooking for tonight?"

"A full roast chicken dinner with all the sides and a blueberry pie for dessert. I was going to cook but thought better of it".

"I'm sure Debbie would've had the kitchen cook her lasagna and send it up as well".

"Victoria's mentioned that lasagna and laugh what am I missing here?"

"My daughter brings the lasagna out when she's matchmaking for a couple.  If you end up married you will be the sixth couple she got correct. Don't fret I've seen Eva looking at you when she thought you weren't looking. She likes you".

I let my uncles words sink in scarcely believing it. It would seem the attraction between Eva and I went both ways.

I played with Alexander for a bit then went home and chill out. I wore exactly what Debbie told me to wear just as I finish styling my hair my butler walks in to say Eva was here. I wash my hands quickly and greet her she is wearing a black pencil skirt with a matching jacket over a white blouse and her hair was in box braids she looks incredible.

"Hi you look lovely".

"Thank you".

I walk into the living room with her,"Can I get you a drink?"

"Yes thank you since I'm not working tomorrow I'll take a glass of champagne".

I pour two glasses of champagne one for me and for for her.

I sit by her, "So why are you not working tomorrow?" I ask.

"I have holidays I need to use up thank you for calling me. I've been working up the courage to call you for a long time".

The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3 of The House Of Jensen Series)Where stories live. Discover now