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We returned to the living room just in time to hear the chef say dinner was ready. I saw Caroline and Daniel giggling together. Giovanni walks over to the empty chair that Faith saved for him. Dinner was a wonderful affair when it was over and it was just my sister, Diego, Eva and I we sit down with a glass of champagne.

"How long are you guys staying for?" I ask Victoria.

We bought the children we're staying for two more days. It would've been longer if I didn't have university to get back to".

I was so proud of her the way she turned her life around. She went from rehab to Crown Princess and now she was studying communication at university.

"That's wonderful I take it you guys are staying in this palace with us?"

"Yes we're".

The next day we spend the day with Victoria and her family. I see Eva looking longingly at my niece Victoria notices too so she places her daughter Sophia in Eva's arms. Eva was so wonderful with her she's going to be such a good mother when the time comes.

While the girls catch up Diego and I met Giovanni for a game of pool, "We could be a band The Three Princes", says Giovanni.

"Funny", says Diego. Then he gets serious for a moment, " I was expecting to see you with Caroline old boy".

"Less of the old, old man", Giovanni playfully slap his arm.

"But seriously what happened to the crush you had on her?"

"I guess it was just that a crush".

"I hate saying this since she's friends with your fiancée William but the way her eyes lit up. When Daniel said he had a title makes me wonder if she is a gold digger".

"Her family is rich not billionaire rich but I think they're worth about 100 million euros", explains Giovanni.

"So she's not a gold digger just a title wh*re then", sneers Diego.

"Watch your mouth old man".

"Still carrying a touch are you?"

"She doesn't hold a candle to my Faith", Giovanni face lights up.

Diego and I laugh, "I use to date women who liked titles, one even suggested it would be nice if Debora had a accident. I hear a gasp from them. "I kicked her out my life then gave her details to security. I don't think Debora and my Eva would be friends with someone like that do you?"

"No they wouldn't", admits Diego.  ''Perhaps Caroline genuinely likes Daniel".

"I saw them at the dinner there is something there", I say.

"I hope so for Daniel's sake".

"Diego when did you become so cynical?"

When my wife's beloved sister tried to kill her, our daughter and her father".

The room was quite after that we played some pool then decide to have a workout. It was nice having a castle with it's own gym and games room. Going to the gym was a good idea we all had some aggression to get out. Giovanni told us he needed to get ready for his date with Faith.

"You've hours still to go".

"I need to show my face in the office today".

He leaves and Diego and I make our way back upstairs to our other halves. We found Victoria studying and Eva eating a sandwich.

"Did you guys have fun?" I ask her.

"Yes darling we did".

The rest of Victoria's trip with us was wonderful it was sad to see them go. Eva and I was going to Norway today we would be staying under the stars in a luxury cabin I couldn't wait. We arrived in Norway and make our way to the 5*cabin we were staying in.

We unpack and make something to eat then have a long bath together. The trip to Norway was extremely romantic and fun. We returned to Denmark completely refresh which was a good thing since our wedding preparations were now in high gear.

Before long it was time for our trip to Australia we had a lot of royal reporters on the plane with us. We  were staying at the Danish ambassador's house for the two weeks we were there. That first morning I woke up very jet lagged I turned over in bed to see Eva asleep. I was no longer coping with long overseas tours on my own.

I go to the bathroom and do my usual bathroom routine then I turned on the tv every station was talking about us being here. I check my phone to see our family had texted us.   They were all saying they were happy to see we arrived safely".

I didn't have to worry about what to wear because every outfit Eva and I would wear was decided and co-ordinate before we got here.

Eva's POV

I woke up to my first full day in Australia fully rested. I make my way to the bathroom and brush my teeth and use the toilet. I undress and get in the shower where I have a shower then dry my body off. I remove my shower cap and hang it up to dry then take my satin bonnet and place it under my pillow. There was a hairdresser on the tour with me as well as my ladies maid.

I put a robe on and smile.  William is so use to seeing me wear my bonnet for bed that if I fall asleep without it. He will make sure to put it on for me.

'I check my phone to see Faith texted me to say her third date with Giovanni went well. I was glad for her she needed a good man in her life. She ask me to bring her back some typical Aussie snacks. I text Caroline back to say yes it was very hot weather. I hope she doesn't hurt my brother because she has already lost all the friends she made at university.
We all wouldn't feel bad for destroying her at all now.

I understand now why Debbie was so guarded around us and why her security was so important. You've to be careful who you trust. I knew Daniel won't go on a first date with her without vetting her and her family first. Especially now, but I still didn't get why he was with her.

I didn't have to worry about Faith,. As a prince Giovanni knew the palace would've vetted my family before William and I started dating. Also my sister didn't need his money.

Breakfast comes and I was glad I ordered a simple breakfast of eggs, toast, cornflakes and almond milk. William and I both had some Danish snacks with us because we wanted something to remind us of home.

Our first stop was to Sydney Opera house we walk down the steps while photographers take our pictures then we greet the crowds.

There was security everywhere so William and I felt safe. We next went to a homeless charity and help serve food. I was glad I choose to wear a dress with wedges.

Our last stop for the day was Bondi Beach to see the famous Australian lifeguards in the flesh.

They were some good looking men amongst them. As William and I laid in each other's arms that night I was pleased with how our first day went.

The next morning our private secretaries briefs us on our itinerary for the day as they did the day before.

When we were alone I held William's hand, "I'm glad I'm here with you".

He kisses me very tenderly,"I'm glad you're here to share this tour with me".

The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3 of The House Of Jensen Series)Where stories live. Discover now