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Eva's PoV

I slowly make my way towards Dr Argar I actually have an appointment with her in a few days. The truth is I just feel sadness and I'm glad she's here now.

"Hello Dr Argar".

"Hello ma'am".

It's weird I'm falling apart and she still has to use protocol because I'm a princess to be. The non royals have to address me as ma'am.

"His Royal Highness tells me you had a outburst earlier why don't you tell me about it".

"My baby is dead I accepted that fact I was doing great then I'm told to get an assistant and for some reason that command has made me upset. I may of said somethings I didn't mean about the Crown Princess because of it".

"I would image with your wedding coming up and your new life that suggestion was a very good one".

"Why is everyone telling me that".

"What is it about what you were told logically was wrong?".

I think of an answer and the truth is logical it does makes sense. "I can't tell you because I will need an assistant".

"If I may ma'am is it more that you saw a statement as a command when it was a suggestion?"

"When I have to comply it's not a suggestion it's a command".

"Every day situations forces us to comply for instance your boss at work will demand reports are done. Correct me if I'm wrong but would the report not being done. Not result in someone losing their job without a good excuse for not doing it?"

I don't answer her instead I study her from her head to her toe. She was in her late thirties I would say. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and she was wearing a very pretty white dress with killer heels. Why do some many people in this country look like that. Stop and concentrate Eva you're letting your mind wonder too much.

"Yes you're right they would lose their job".

"You had no control over the lost of your child and now you have been been given a perfectly normal suggestion. Which has resulted in a over the top reaction from you".

Was she right I think back to the meal I could've behaved better. I think of William's and I argument earlier I hurt him and he's grieving too.

"I want to feel in control because control was taken away from me with the baby. I felt with the assistant suggestion like my control was taken away from me again. When really it wasn't because I get to choose who I want working for me and how many assistants to have".

"Control wasn't taken away from you with the baby ma'am unfortunately women lose their babies all the time. There was nothing you could've done to guarantee it wouldn't happen. Lots of women go on to have perfectly healthy babies. In fact my sister was one of those women".

"Is that why you started your practice specialising in miscarriage counselling?"

"We are not here to talk about me ma'am let's continue with our session shall we".

So that's what we did I talk about planting a tree and saying goodbye to my child. When it was over I made another appointment with her. I went in search of William I found him in his study, "Hi".

He opens his arms and I walk into his embrace, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier it was unforgivable. Dr Argar explained to me I was upset I couldn't control not losing my baby. So I took being told what to do as being controlled which made me very upset and I overreacted".

He kisses me on the forehead, "I know everything hurts like a bitch now. But grief doesn't last forever. The good thing is there will be a tree growing on your family's private island. And every time we see it we will know it's in memory of our child. We're never going to forget him/or her but we need to learn to move on from it.  While you were having your session dad called. He proposed to Maria when they got back together".

"Oh my god William that's so wonderful did he say when they're getting married?"

"In a couple of weeks with everything with mum and Emma it's going to be done in the private chapel in the palace. So the public won't know about it until the marriage announcement happens. I'm glad he's not dealing with his grief alone and who knows. He maybe a father again this time next year. I'm so glad to hear some positive news Eva. Come on I'm going to take you out for dinner that's if you feel up to it".

"That would be wonderful give me an hour to get myself ready. Wait do I dress casually or fancy?"

"A mixture of both let's enjoy our engagement because after the last few weeks. We need to let our hair down after everything we have been through. I don't think we should drink any alcohol tonight. Let's remember the memories we will make instead okay".


I walk into our en-suite and have a shower when I finish I take my shower cap off my head. My hair was quite long it reached to mid back. I decide to put it in flexible rods to give me a nice spiral look. I walk to my wardrobe and take clothes out to see what I like and don't like.

I walk into the bedroom to see William in a towel his body slightly wet, I just stand there and drool over him.

The man had a good body, "Baby you need to stop licking your lips and looking at me like that".

"Just one more appreciative gaze and I'll stop", I looked him up and down. "Can you drop the towel so I get the full picture".

William rolls his eyes but drops his towel, "Thank you".

I hold up two dresses for him to choose a red Burberry bodycon dress and a Prada sheath dress in green.

"Which one should I wear?"

He takes a moment to decide, "I like the green one".

I put the dress on and decided to not wear stilettos as I wanted to spent the night dancing. Instead I choose to wear dressier looking flats to match my dress.

"So where are we going tonight?"

"I thought it best to go to to our private members club since there's dancing there as well".


We both finish getting ready and at the very last minute I pull the rods out my hair. Then I finger my hair into the style I want then look at myself in the mirror.

"These are for you".

William put a box in my hand I open it to see silver butterfly earrings.

I hug him and kiss him passionately, "Thank you they're beautiful".

When we got to our members club I noticed how differently the receptionist treated me compare to when I was there by myself. I was now getting the same treatment as any member of the royal family does. Everything was now very formaI she now calls me ma'am instead of Ms Brown. When she gives us the go ahead we follow the bodyguards to the dining room. As one of them opens the door for us we hear.


I look over at William he was just as surprise as me to see all our friends in the room.

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