"Warmth is not a good idea here," said the princess coldly, "especially when I am your best chance of staying alive. Please, this way."

     Savreen gave him and Piper a look that said, well, that was a little strange. There was a flicker of warning in her warm hues. Jason wondered whether by being the Daughter of Harmonia, she could sense chaos and unsettled airs like a monster could smell a demigod. He believed it, because whenever she looked at him, it was like she was reading his thoughts, his feelings ... it was the only intimidating thing about her. 

    Zethes poked him in the back with his icicle sword and Jason broke out of his thoughts. They followed the princess down a massive hallway decked in frosty tapestries. 

    Thalia's picture was still in his pocket, though he didn't need to look at it anymore. Her imagine had burned itself into his mind. It was bad enough not remembering his past, but to know he had a sister out there somewhere who might have answers and no way of finding her━that drove him up the wall. In the picture, Thalia didn't even look like him. They both had blue eyes, but that was it. Her hair was black. Her complexion was more Mediterranean. Her facial features were sharper━like a hawk's. Still, she looked so familiar. Hera had left him with just enough memory to be certain Thalia was his sister. But Claire and Annabeth had acted completely surprised when he had told them, like they'd never heard of Thalia having a brother. Did Thalia even know about him? How had they been separated?

    He had so many questions, and no memory to answer them with. Hera had taken those memories. She'd stolen everything from Jason's path, plopped him into a new life and now she expected him to save her from some prison just so he could get back what she'd taken. Seems pretty unfair and one way, doesn't it? Like leverage, a bargaining chip. She was manipulating him for whatever chess game she was playing with the Gods, this Dirt Woman and the Giants and their revenge (or something). All of this made Jason so angry he wanted to walk away, let Hera rot in that stupid cage━maybe let the wolves get her━but he couldn't do it. He was hooked. It was like watching the Bachelor, it was terrible, but he had to know more, and that made him even more resentful. (That and he doesn't know what the hell he just referenced. His past knew, but this Jason? This Jason had no clue). 

    "Hey," Piper touched his arm. "You still with us?"

    He blinked, back to focus. Piper and Savreen were watching him with concerned faces. He wondered why they even trusted him to lead this quest. He was an amnesic demigod who didn't even know what he was doing (but he has a feeling he should, which fustrated him just as much as walking up this slippery ice hallway).

    "Yeah ... yeah, sorry."

    He was grateful for them, though. Jason needed some friends. He was glad Piper had started to lose the Aphrodite blessing. The makeup was fading. Her hair was slowly going back to its old choppy style with the little braids down the sides. It made her look more real and, as far as Jason was concerned, far more beautiful. He believed Aprhodite should believe in the beauty of the individual instead of claiming her children in a spectacular of a better version of themselves. Piper was beautiful just the way she was; she was original, and she was independant. Beauty wasn't about being uncomfortable, it was about feeling who you are, and being happy with that. Piper resonated that, and it made her mesmorising. (Stop it, he told himself. It wasn't fair to Piper, thinking that way. Jason had no idea what was waiting for him back in his old life━or who might be waiting). And Savreen, Jason has a feeling he has never met someone so kind like she was. Even when she was annoyed, or angry, or scared, she always put kindness first. Whenever Jason felt like he couldn't do something, he'd looked at her, and he'd feel harmony wash over him like warm milk, and he knew he could do it. He may not be the biggest fighter out of them, but she was sure the threat that kept them together. 

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐊 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃𝐘!      leo valdezWhere stories live. Discover now