Nay: "Y/n got caught copying homework. She's never had any lesson on cheating, never really knew I'm about it....what do you think"

Chae: "She got caught? I told her- Nothing"

Jihyo: "So you taught her how to do that, and she got her friends in trouble. I don't care about how old we are now, you are also in trouble"

Chae: "How did you even know I taught her"

Nay: "Who's the only one that got caught cheating out of all of us, you used to talk about it all the time. Who else would we ask, but you gave yourself away"

Chaeyoung sighed and handed her phone to Jihyo "I'm sorry, I should've waited till she was in middle school"

Nayeon smiled "Funny, but keep your phone"

Jihyo: "You'll be doing dishes and chores for the next month"

Chaeyoung smiled as she took her phone back "Okay, I'm sorry again"

Jihyo: "Yup, we thought you were kidding when you said you wanted her to be a troublemaker"

Chae: "Was I?"

Jihyo laughed a little "Go back to your room"

Chaeyoung went back to her room and Jihyo and Nayeon went back to talking. Jeongyeon joined them because she put the food in the oven.

Jeong: "Imma be real, I don't think timeout will work"

Jihyo: "I have to agree, but what should we do"

Nay: "What did your moms do when you were kids, maybe we can use that"

Jihyo: "I don't remember, but I could just call my mom"

Jeong: "Yeah, but I don't think that will help"

Nay: "Also, I was thinking about this the other day, we never do anything to celebrate, but does Y/n know she's adopted"

Y/n walked into the kitchen "I'm what?"

Jeong: "No she doesn't"

Nayeon whispered "Oh we've fucked up"

Y/n: "Adopted? I mean it makes sense because I have 9 moms and no dad. But that's not cool, I thought you were my real moms"

Jihyo: "We are your moms"

Y/n: "No you're not"

Jihyo: "Yes we are, legally"

Y/n nodded as she walked back into her room, she packed a small bag with only one shirt and one pants and but Boo's leash on. He was an old dog, but he's got years in him.

She walked to the front door but was stopped by Sana and Momo. Sana took the bag "Where are you going"

Y/n: "I'm running away, your not my parents"

Sana looked up, and saw Jihyo "She found out she was adopted"

Momo: "We never told you, literally everyone knows"

Y/n: "I don't, so me and Boo are running away"

Momo unhooked Boo's leash while Sana grabbed the backpack. "What were you going to do with one shirt, a pair of pants, and no money"

Y/n: "Run away"

Nayeon sat Y/n down on her lap "Okay, let's start. Jihyo you begin"

Jihyo: "Y/n, your birth mom left you in an alley because she had no money to take care of you and your house burned down. I found and took you home."

Momo: "We all came together to adopt you because we wanted to raise you and give you a good home. We wanted to give you a good life and look at you now"

Sana: "You're in 4th grade with 2 of your closet friends, you live here and you are happy. You have Boo, who is still as active as he was as a puppy"

Y/n: "But why didn't you tell me"

Nay: "We talk about it all the time, we kinda just figured you knew. But yesterday I started thinking and for some reason don't remember us telling you by yourself."

Y/n: "Do you love me?"

Jihyo: "Yes, we love you a lot"

Y/n: "As a daughter?"

Jeong: "You're our daughter, and will always be"

Y/n sighed "would you ever get rid of me"

Nay: "We will never do that"

Sana: "Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, me, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu all love you. We are a family of 10 and that is us. We are idols with a daughter, and we are okay with that. We put your first in front of everything and we are okay with that"

Y/n: "...Okay..."

Momo: "We understand is you're mad at us or don't like us right now"

Y/n sighed "No I love you. But when will I meet my real mom"

Jihyo: "We don't know who she is, she didn't leave us anything and we never got any messages about someone saying they are your real mom."

Nay: "We're still keeping a look out, when we get something, we'll tell you"

Y/n "Okay"

Jihyo: "Why don't you go play games"

Y/n nodded as she got her bag and made it back to her room. She went to the hallway and overheard Nayeon talking "Let's just let this note slide, she just went through a whole thing and we can't add to that"

Y/n smiled and went back to her room. She was okay with being adopted, she didn't know and yes it came to a small shock, but she figured if she was upset about it, they can't get upset about the cheating...

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