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Bdubs sat on the roof of his castle, watching as the sun began to set over his village. He was so stuck in thought that he barely even noticed, the builder pulling his knees towards his chest as he tried to wrap his head around what had happened earlier.

Scar had banned Grian, not to mention thrown the members of the mycelium resistance in prison. So what was next? He had to be hungry for power, that was why he had done everything, right?

He sat, lost in thought, barely noticing the screech of the phantoms overhead. That was odd, Bdubs slept every night, there shouldn't have been any phantoms around. They only spawn of a player hadn't slept for three or more days..

Bdubs equipped his elytra, gliding down from the roof and towards the village, slowly landing onto the ground. He ripped off his wings, dropping them in the bushes without a care as he trudged into his house.

As he shut and locked the doors, Bdubs turned around to head upstairs, jumping in shock as he spotted Etho. He was covered in dirt, mud, and leaves, it looked like the Canadian had been living underground.

"Etho? H-how? I thought Scar—"

"It's a long story, but to put it simply, I'm being hunted by Scar. Mumbo broke me out, he told me to start a rebellion. I also overheard Cub and Scar, they're planning on turning you into a vex. I came to get you out of here before they got to you."

"My, my. A traitor and a rebellion? Mayor Scar will be pleased once I tell him this little story." A voice cold purred, Etho flinching as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He glanced back, Xisuma appearing out of thin air, the Canadian only able to make out a sly grin from behind the admin's visor. Before Etho could run away, Xisuma picked the white-haired hermit off the ground by his hood.

"I only came to bring him Bdubs, but this is much better!" The admin grinned, flapping his wings a bit to hover above the ground, his eyes a sparkling blue. Etho reached for his sword, slashing Xisuma's wrist, forcing the Brit to drop him to the ground.


"Go." He commanded Bdubs while looking back. "Try and fix this, I'll hold Xisuma off—"

The admin tackled Etho to the ground, only to have the white-haired hermit shove his sword through his right wing, causing Xisuma to let out a screech of pain. By the time the Canadian had stumbled to his feet, Bdubs was now gone, the front door wide open.

His attention turned back to the admin. "Come on, X. Scar made you ban Grian! He's evil, you gotta snap out of this!"

Xisuma placed a hand on the side of his helmet, slightly shaking his head as he pulled out his own sword. "Liar!" He hissed, lunging towards the Canadian.

Clashing swords, Etho struggled to keep up and hold his ground. Despite his injury, the admin moved swiftly, his soulless eyes filled with no remorse. He was getting forcing into a corner, no way of escape.

Just as the Canadian thought it couldn't get any worse, his former friend flew through the doorway, Beef grinning as he spotted Etho. His teeth were sharp, eyes horrifyingly evil and cruel, leaving the snowy-haired hermit distracted as he appeared.

Xisuma knocked his sword from the Ninja's hands, kicking the blade out of his reach before holding his netherite sword to Etho's neck. "T-two on one? Doesn't seem that fair, now does it?" He stuttered, trying to hide his fear.

Beef approached, a smile across his face as he and Xisuma kept the Canadian cornered like a weak animal. Etho couldn't take his eyes off his friend, it was so hard to see him like this. And now that he was trapped, he had no idea what to do.

Love is Vexing - ScarDubsWhere stories live. Discover now