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"You failed, Mumbo. You blew your cover almost right away and now the resistance is growing even more suspicious!" Scar shouted from atop his ever-expanding throne, now filled with anything shiny or rare.

It seemed like all the vex/hermit hybrids were attracted to anything that sparkled. Enchanted gear, gems and minerals, or even just a simple iron shovel. If it was sparkly, they would bring it straight to Scar and drop it on the throne.

"I-I-I'm sorry, m-mayor Scar, I couldn't help myself! They were saying such horrible things about you!" Mumbo begged with tearful eyes, though Scar's icy glare didn't have a hint of mercy in it.

"You're lucky we had a backup plan with those enderpearls I had you move. Now, you're on dungeon duty until you prove your worth. We'll need you on watch when the entire resistance is teleported down there."

"Y-yes sir, anything to prove myself!" Mumbo said as his wings fluttered with hope, the mustached vex disappearing into a puff of blue smoke as he teleported into the dungeon.

Scar stood up, glancing to the dark corner of the room, Xisuma looking at one of his admin screens while monitoring the locations of all the resistance members. The loyal vex locked eyes with his leader, X nodding his head.

"All is ready. No private messages have been sent and all of the resistance members are far enough apart, meaning that they aren't secretly meeting. We can teleport them now." Xisuma reported to the mayor, Scar nodding his head as he opened his wings and flew down from his throne.

"Good. Prep the other hermits for a server wide meeting, I want to make an example of the resistance." Scar laughed with a cruel smile as he left the town hall, Xisuma following close behind the vex.

"A-are you sure about this, sir? I don't t-think I'm completely on board with the plan—"

Scar snapped his claw-like fingers together, the admin freezing in place as he did so. The mayor turned around to face Xisuma, his expression stone-cold as he approached the vex. His posture straightened, Scar's arms folding with his eyes narrowing at the admin.

"Xisuma, I'm protecting your server from that mycelium infection. I gave you power to stop them from tearing everything apart."

"A-and I am grateful for that, s-sir, b-b-but..." Xisuma's voice began to trail off, Scar raising an eyebrow.

"But what?"

"What we're doing, this plan, it could completely destroy the server, even more than this war could. The other hermits— the ones who don't understand— they'll see us as monsters." X mumbled with a quivering voice, Scar placing his hand on the admin's shoulder.

"Everything will turn out fine, you need to trust me." The mayor said with his icy glare locking with Xisuma's eyes, the Brit nervously nodding.

"Y-yes sir, of course.."

"Good," Scar replied blankly, turning away from Xisuma and holding his hands behind his back, staring out at the new and improved shopping district. "This'll stop everything from turning even worse, Xisuma."

"I-I hope so.." the admin muttered as his hands moved towards the miniature keyboard on his glove, typing into the chat to call a server-wide meeting in thirty minutes. He nodded at Scar once it was done. The mayor grinned.

"Perfect! Glad we could come to an understanding. Now get the rest of HEP prepared, and ensure that the resistance's cells are ready." He commanded while opening the large wings attached to his back, flying off as Xisuma opened his mouth to try and speak. The admin sighed unhappily.

He was loyal to HEP and to the mayor, Xisuma would do anything that Scar commanded, but that didn't mean that he didn't question his orders. The admin hated the resistance more than anything— but...their punishment..

Love is Vexing - ScarDubsWhere stories live. Discover now