Chapter 1

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I started to wriggle and stretch within the cosy blankets on the floor, as my eyes slowly fluttered open. I lifted my head from my front paws, and seamlessly shifted to human form. My nude body met by the soft blows of the morning wind entering from the open window. I left the room, and entered my bathroom. After doing my morning routine, I walked stiffly to the closet, deciding quickly on a pair of high heels, a pink short skirt and white crop top hoodie. I straightened my blonde waist length hair, then placed in one of my favorite big earrings and a costom made chain. I took a moment to admire my flawless look and reminded myself that I was the baddest b*tch in the world.

I walked into the kitchen, my head held high with confidence as I entered. I knew my presence phased everyone around me, they couldn't help but notice me. I sat at the exact table the alpha and his family occupied and greeted them all with a short nod. As usual, the gossiping commenced. My name traveling throughout the room by my haters. I'd say no one likes me here and I can't help not to give a bee wax. Not everyone has good taste, so who am I to judge them for judging me. I must definitely be doing something superior if they're always talking about me. As I ate, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversations. Their main topic? me.

"Why does she even own clothes like that?" One whispered to her friend.

"She's all about impressing our future alpha." Her friend answered . "I mean, what can you expect? She's just like her mother."

"An attention seeking wh*re!!" Someone else whispered.

"I thought she'd change after high school."

I was getting bored, it's always the same old news. I toned out and another table's conversation got my attention.

"-she died last night." I got from one of the disgusting omegas. "No one knows how it happened, I think it was another murder."

I rolled my eyes and just concentrated on my breakfast. In the last few months, wolves have been dropping like flies. Alpha didn't share the details of their passing-not that I cared anyways- he started an investigation a month ago. He only showed interest because his future daughter-in-law was one of the victims.
Their doing a pretty lousy job. I mean, his son's mate was killed, you'd think he would have cracked the case already. The alpha's son, Liam, found his mate coincidental , and three days later she was killed. Apparently, that wasn't a big of a deal for his father, but Liam was actually torn apart.

Our pack, red stone, has a very small population consisting of two hundred and fifty five people. And you'll most likely not find your mate in that small number. The alpha didn't set a strict limit for mating, so anyone was free to abandon their mate and move on with someone else. After Liam's mate died, he was immediately order to mate with someone from the pack, and those who were chosen for him, died shortly after. That's when everyone rethought their decision about wanting to be his chosen partner.

I think someone wants to be Luna as much as I did. Ruling these God forsaken people would be incredibly entertaining. But I don't want to risk my life for it. I'd probably go for the beta, his mate isn't that pretty and I could easily seduce him. It would be like taking candy from a baby.

In high school I truly believed that I'd be Liam's mate, so we hooked up once. That's how I became the pack 'sl*t'. Because I slept with someone who didn't turn out to be a mate. And I'm sure everyone did that but I was the only targeted for it. Most of the other guys started lying about sleeping around with me, and the girls would judge my wardrobe choices and the way I carried myself. I was also a bully back then, and I still am. I made sure no one messed with me.

I didn't bother correcting their accusations, I knew I was prettier than everyone who hated and talked about me. While they were watching my life like a hawk, I was busy getting money.

I excused myself and went back to my room. Alpha said there would be a meeting a 12 but I had to go to work. I'm an influencer, I get paid to give insecure people advice on life through a computer screen. I had two million and forty thousand subscribers on YouTube, 1.5 million followers on Instagram and 2.3 million on tik tok. I started out when I was fifteen, I'm nineteen now. Like every other influencers, I got alot of hate from keyboard warriors online. At first it made me want to quit but hey, if twenty four thousand people can take the time out and give me the attention that helps me get paid, who am I to stop.

Today, I wanted to do another video giving my subscribers tips on skin care routines and make up techniques. I talked about my favorite products and explained how amazing they were, I gave numerous reviews on my routines and I answered some questions I got in my dms.

"Ladies, the right makeup will make your complexion look naturally flawless. Know your skin and what works for it." I said finishing the video. I spent few hours editing it to perfection then went online to shop for more fits. I had more that enough clothes and jewelry, but it never hurts to get more. It just bothered me that I had to spend my own money.

I spent the next few hours editing and posting photos on my Instagram, I was immediately flushed with likes and comments. My dms were flooded with thirsty boys and girls-yes, I attract both genders. Most of them were humans and few from the pack. The smile felt from my lips when my mother's name popped up on my phone. I cursed and declined it. I moved out of her house and into the pack's when I finished high school, I planned on getting my own apartment next month. Nowhere seemed to fascinate my taste as yet.

She wanted me to be a push over. She's the one who wanted me to be luna in the first place. She was even more upset than I was about not ending up as Liam mate. We didn't have the best of relationship, and we rarely talked. I don't hate her, she was still my mom, but I couldn't forgive her after what she did. And she knows that.

My phone rang again and against my better judgment I answered. "What do you want from me for now, I don't-"

"Sweetie," she sounded terrified. "You need to listen keenly." She advised.

"Mom, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I stood up from my place worried something had happened. We had our differences but in the end she's still my mom. "I'm on my way, are you home?" I grabbed my keys and raced to the door.

"No, Genevieve, don't come here. I don't have much time so listen closely." I froze. "There's a bag outside your door, take that and anything else you'll need." I opened the door, and as she said, a duffel bag was sitting outside. I carried it in and close the door.

"Mom, what's this for?"

"Baby, I did something bad, but it was for the both of us, our future. Everything you need to know will be in the bag, take cash and leave now." She ordered. "I'll send you introductions.

Was she for real? What the hell was going on? Why did I need to go away?

"Please Genevieve, just do as I say. I'll explain everything soon."

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