"Maybe this will help," Katara bended water to Jet's head and he closed his eyes again, and snapped them open in realization.
"They took me to a headquarters under the water. Like a lake!" He exclaimed.

"Wait! Remember what Joo Dee said? She said she went on vacation to Lake Laogai!" Sokka told you, and Jet stood up at that.
"That's it! Lake Laogai," He mumbled, and you grinned at that.

"I knew it! No such place as Lake Laogai exists!"


"So where's this secret headquarters?" Sokka asked as you all stood in front of a lake.
"Under the water, I think," Jet said and pointed into the water.
"There's a tunnel right there by the shore," Toph pointed out and she lifted the hatch up to the surface.

Climbing down the sewer like tunnels, you walked passed an open door where women wearing clothes like Joo Dee stood with blank stares and repeating thing in sync.
"Creepy..." Your sister mumbled, making you nod and quickly walked next to Sokka.

"I think there might be a cell big enough to hold Appa and Twig up ahead," Jet said and made your way to a door.
"I think it's through here!" Opening the door, it was an empty and dark room, and the moment you all cautiously walked in, the door slammed shut.

"Tis but a trap!" You said and the room lit up to see Dai Li agents were waiting and Long Feng standing in the middle.
"You have made yourselves enemies of the state. Take them into custody," He simply said and the Dai Li Agents jumped down to attack.

You and the Gaang attacked, fighting off these agents one by one. One threw their earth gloves at you, but your sister quickly grabbed her bow and released an arrow to make it explode.
"Nice one!" You grinned and lifted a rock to turn into lava.

"Woah," Your sister said in awe as you sent the lava down on the Dai Li agents, making them retreat. But then you were quickly grabbed from behind by an earth glove, pulled into an agent's arms.
"Hey! Let her go!" Your sister growled and readied an arrow at the agent.
"I will do no such thi-" Before the agent could finish, you quickly bit his finger and he let go in pain.

"Your sister shot an arrow and he was pinned again the wall by his sleeves.
"Bleh, he doesn't wash his hands," You spat and you all ran out as soon as the agents were unconscious.
"This way," You said and heard the rumbling coming from a closed door. Toph opened the door and you saw Aang, kneeling over a injured Jet.

"Oh no," You sister mumbled as Katara tried to heal Jet's body, but she looked at you with a shake of her head.
"This isn't good," She said as Smellerbee crouched down.
"You guys go and find Appa and Twig. We'll take care of Jet," She told you all.

"We ain't leaving you here," You told them, but Longshot shook his head.
"There's no time," He finally spoke.
"Just go. We'll take care of him. He's our leader," You hesitantly looked down at Jet, who gave one last smile at you.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). I'll be fine," You leaned your head against his and you all started to run off.
"He's lying," Toph mumbled to you, and you nodded.
"I know," You whispered as you all made your way to each door and opening them until the last one.

Opening the door, there were empty cages and broken chains that were made to fit Appa.
"They're gone! Long Feng beat us here," Aang said in defeat.
"If we keep moving, we could catch up with them!" You told them and soon broke your way out of Lake Laogai.

Running around the lake, the Dai Li were right behind chasing you.
"You think we can outrun them?" Sokka asked.
"I don't think it's gonna matter!" Aang said as more agents and Long Feng were in front of you all, making a wall on both sides to block you.

But then Momo came back and chirped at you.
"What is it, Momo?" You asked as the lemur started to fly away, and you watched as something started getting closer, until you knew who it was.


You smiled at the sight of the bison as Appa started to take down all of the agents, and biting Long Feng and throwing him straight into the lake. Everyone ran to hug Appa as you petted him, and looked around.

Your sister placed a hand on your shoulder as you couldn't see Twig, but heard a familiar chirp. You snapped you head up to see something in Appa's fur, and out of the fur, you finally saw your buddy.

"TWIG!!" You shout, tears in your eyes and a smile broke out. Twig cooed with excitement and ran towards you, and the moment you felt his fur against your arms, you started to laugh/cry.

"Oh my sweet baby!! My little boy!! I'm so happy you're here!!" You laughed, twirling around as you hugged Twig tight as he clutched your clothes.

The Gaang watched as the life in your eyes came back, not longer lost, no longer broken. You were finally back. Then, you all heard a lot of chittering and you looked up to see a army of the familiar red fur creatures.
"Agh!!" You were tackled by a lot of tiger monkeys, who chirped and licked you.

"Woah!" Sokka said as the Gaang and your sister watched as you were being snuggled by the tiger monkeys.
"I have a lot of questions, but right now, I don't care! Twig army!" You laughed as you hugged them, tearing falling down and a big smile on your face.

Watching the lake as Appa flew away, Katara gave a small smile to you before hugging you. Everyone gave a group hug as Appa rode off to Ba Sing Se, with Twig in your lap and the rest of the colony on Appa's back.

"I missed you Twiggy, I love you so much,"



Also I made digital art again!

Hope y'all like it!

Stay healthy and stay tune!

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Stay healthy and stay tune!

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