Your Demons

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It's alright, baby.

You just continue doing what you do.

I'll just keep doing me and wishing you would change.

I know you never will and I know it's not your fault

But I never asked for this life and you're to blame for ruining me

While all I ever tried to do was be a good wife.

Why'd it have to take you 6 years and 3 zip codes

To realize that I loved you?

I would've given my life for you,

And for a minute there I thought I was about to.

Now you have the nerve to try to be a better person?

But only when you see that your manipulation stopped working.

Isn't it funny how I'm doing better than you ever imagined I would?

You thought I would fall flat on my face-
but there I stood.

You never anticipated that I might find my independence again.

I found strength in every tear I cried

And I cried for hours,

Every single night.

I guess the jokes on both of us now.

Because even through the pain,

My heart still cries for yours somehow.

You introduced me to your demons

And I tried to make them my friends.

You didn't think that I could see them

But I welcomed them in.

I didn't know the damage that they would bring.

They turned my whispers into shouts every night.

And I fought with them frequently but mostly in my mind.

You never saw them struggle

So you never noticed how hard I had to fight.

In the very end they brought my battles to light

By then it was too late for you to try.

I'm sorry that your demons forced me to say goodbye.

I just couldn't bring myself to waste anymore precious time.

I really wish we could've made it work after all we went through

Too bad you didn't notice how bad I was routing for me and you.

It's a little too late now to ask me for a re-do.

Just know that no matter where life takes us,

Part of my soul still belongs to your demons;

But my heart will always belongs to you.

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