Forever With You

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I still remember the knots in my stomach

when I turned the key for the first time.

A sense of relief flooded my mind.

You walked in behind me and somehow it felt like home.

I thought it would be forever.

Until forever was something we didn't know.

I don't remember laughter in the background.

Still, I keep on looking back now.

I can't recall being happy together.

I thought it would be everything we needed.

I thought it would be forever.

Now every time I have to drive in that direction,

I take a different route.

Because I thought forever-

Would be both of us together in that room.

You swore that I was wrong for years.

You twisted my reality into a game that was played with my fears.

You made me feel like I was the cause of all of our faults.

But when you left,

You left your truth.

Truth is- it wasn't me who was wrong;

It was you.

Now forever is gone

Because the only 'forever' I could see in the future,

was a forever with you.

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