[Kingdom: Legendary War] All Us, No Parts In The Dark

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But he knew that iKON weren't otustaged by their chosen guest performer. Others would argue but they were bringing in a sense of the company vibe they grew up in. Where they thrived and took some pieces to make their own name. And for anyone too blind to see, then one must rewind the performance after. Because their gold wear, and on par performance skills only glittered more than the props did. Even their handshake and remote control fit perfectly in their performance..

"They really are different."


"-and coincidentally this team chose a BLACKPINK song too."

Personally, if Leon did a gender bend to his own group, they shared similar vibes in music with BLACKPINK compared to other girl groups. Such as their own sunbaenims in the company, talented but a very different charisma presented. So when they were going through song selections, the little similarities wherein they could loophole their identity made them want to race to the speed of their adrenaline. The possibilities proved to them that this risky decision, if done with the precise message they want to brand, would be a deal breaker. "If we mash up this part well, I think that will be impressive." True, it was a challenge to combine two songs. Even if they were corollaries, there were still elements such as BPM, vocal range, etc. that had to be considered well. But with talented producers in his team, they all knew that they were up to the challenge.

While three were in a tinted green room, he was in a warehouse with too many colors to speak of. Most of the time, if tracks were for SKZ then he'd be there too. But today, with the formulated plans and suggestions being attempted before official practice, no time could be wasted. So he had to decline from participating in the guide track and music production aspects. One that he was sad to do so, not because he didn't trust his team. But because that was another moment they were apart. Although he was there in spirit, in coffee spirit through all the sent americanos and pastries.

But what was he exactly practicing for alone? Well, the behind the scenes promised nothing. They gave no glimpse of what the boys were monitoring. Only their faces were so focused on their lion. Just like most times, the screen served as a place where inspiration was presented. But what was being played at that moment? Well, the audience might have to wait but it promises something worth the patience. Because as per the words in the conversation, it was meant to be epic.

"I can do it, hyung. We'll make the stage epic." Is it enough to entice everyone? After all, they did say that Stray Kids itself has no limits.

The start with their logo conjoined with Deadpool's already promised an impactful performance. At least, that was how they planned it to be. Unlike the other members who had to be in one place or another on stage, for the first few minutes he was behind. Monitoring each and every camera movement as he waited for his turn. One that viewers wondered if it was ever going to happen because how many minutes in, no trace of him was seen. But that was only their thought because he did ebfirely show, only as a background though.

In the second rap part, the big rice cooker became the background for Changbin's rap. Leon mimicked the subtle parkour Deadpool did. The precise it to be like the battle, wherein Deadpool himself was behind the scenes in the fight. Not the front and focus of the camera. Of course, with his next appearance being the more showy side, he adorned the hero's mask and also wore black, hiding everything that could've given the next events away.

But all this hiding was worth his moment. The back and forth between Lee Know and Jeongin allowed all the members to transition in before a group choreography. But of course, in order to be complete, Leon had to be there. And he will be, his entrance was just a bit more than the others. "You should've gone for the head." Wait, what?

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