Chapter 30

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(LeBlanc mansion A-side)


Mr. LeBlanc: Annie where were you during class?

Annie: Well I decided to miss my last 3 classes because you kept me locked up for the past week. *glares at her father* I just went to the mall.

Mr. LeBlanc: Hmm

Annie: Are you still looking into buying the Orlando drive in?

Mr. LeBlanc: Yes I am.

Annie: Well now that you won as sheriff won't it be hard for you to manage it?

Carson: Annie I'll be doing it. I already put in my higher offer, I mean they obviously won't make enough money to even have it open for a week.

Annie: Hmm *smiles* Well I'm done, I'll be in the study doing my homework. ~I had to look for the deck of cards, I know I still had it but I hid it incase my family tried to take it away.. I just don't know where I hid it~

Asher: Annie?

Annie: *jumps* You know its rude not to knock?

Asher: *smiles* Hey I asked your parents if I could take you out tonight

Annie: I'd love to but I'm kind of busy with something. *goes to the book shelf*

Asher: Come on Annie can't it wait? I have something you'll love.

Annie:.. *looks back at him curiously. Asher smiles holding out a key* ~I knew exactly where we were going~ Lets go! ~I ran upstairs and grabbed some money before racing back down~

Asher: I'll have her home by midnight *he waves back at her parents*

Annie: Are we really going? *in the car*

Asher: Well yeah *shrugs* with the rumor of you dating a spade no one would be surprised to see you there

Annie: Sweet! *smiles, he smiles at her*

(Mapleton Mountain B-side)

Asher: Lilia is bringing your motorcycle. *smiles*

Annie: *hugs him* Thank you so much!!

Asher: *Laughs* I don't think your boyfriend would like this very much

Johnny: No he wouldn't! *pulls Annie back* I thought I told Will to get Annie

Asher: Hey! Calm down its just a hug.. *glaring at him* William was busy with some family bullshit.

Annie: ~I didn't even know John was going to be here~ John its just a hug.

Johnny: *bites the corner of his bottom lip, glancing between the two* Yeah whatever... *walks away back to his group*

Asher: You're dating the King?

Annie: Yeah.. *shrugs* I'll be right back.

Hayden: Your dating her?!

Johnny: Yeah and?! No one ever said we couldn't date.

Annie: Johnny can I talk to you?

Johnny: *smirks* Shouldn't be talking to the competition princess

Annie: Competition? *smirks back* Fine.

Johnny: Loser owes the winner anything they want! *calls towards her*

Annie: *turns as she walks back to her friends* Okay!

Hayden: So it was always her?

Johnny: *nods and rubs the back of his neck* Yeah it has. You guys know she isn't some stuck up bitch, she's never mean or rude to the spades.

Kenzie: *crosses her arms* Fine I don't like her but I could care less who you date.

Hayden: I'm happy if you're happy.

Johnny: Thanks just don't tell anyone.

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